New Ranzar Video Tanktoon Here you are the new Ranzar video! Enjoy!
World of Tanks BT-7 arty ingame pictures
World of Tanks BT-7 arty ingame pictures It’s turn of a set of pics for the BT-7 arty, the upcoming soviet tier 3 premium light tank. È la volta di una serie di foto per il BT-7 arty, il prossimo tier 3 carro leggero premium sovietico. [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks Type 59 Patton ingame pics
World of Tanks Type 59 Patton ingame pics And here is a new set of ingame pics for the hybrid tank Type 59/Patton, awesome! Ed ecco una nuova serie di foto ingame per il carro medio ibrido Tipo 59 / Patton, impressionante! [Show slideshow]
World of Warships Naval Academy ep10 Japanese vs USA carriers
World of Warships Naval Academy ep10 Japanese vs USA carriers The episode 10 of Naval Academy talks about carriers and the differences between Japanese and USA carriers. The video is with russian speech and no subtitles. L’episodio 10 di Naval Academy parla delle portaerei e le differenze tra portaerei giapponesi e USA. Il video è in parlato…
WoT Japanese Heavy Tank tier 6 Mi-To vs T150 size comparison
WoT Japanese Heavy Tank tier 6 Mi-To vs T150 size comparison Source – vk/wotleaks Here is an amazing picture. It compare the dimensions of tier 6 soviet T-150 and tier 6 japanese Mi-To (150 ton). The Mi-To 150ton is gigantic!!! Ecco una meravigliosa immagine. Essa confronta le dimensioni del livello 6 sovietico T-150 e il livello 6…
World of Tanks news 12 06 2015
World of Tanks news 12 06 2015 Source – – M6A2E1 arrival: “when it’s done it’s done”; – Developers know about the US forum thread aimed at making the M6 and M6A2E1 historical; – T-35 is not planned for now. – l’Arrivo dell’M6A2E1: “quando è fatto è fatto”; – Gli sviluppatori conoscono la discussione sul forum…
World of Tanks Sherman M4 improved ingame pictures
World of Tanks Sherman M4 improved ingame pictures Source – It’s time of Sherman M4 Improved and a new awesome set of ingame pictures! E ‘il momento dello Sherman M4 Improved (migliorato) e una nuova serie impressionante di immagini ingame! Variant of M4 Sherman medium tank with sloped hull and armored turret. It was developed…
World of Tanks M56 Scorpion ingame pictures
World of Tanks M56 Scorpion ingame pictures Source – ; M56 Scorpion was a light and unarmored USA tank destroyer. This vehicle was developed from 1950 and manufactured from 1953 to 1959 by Cadillac. The tank was open all around and there wasn’t a protection system for the crew. A 90mm M54 gun was…
World of Tanks VK4502P tier 7 premium ingame pics
World of Tanks VK4502P tier 7 premium ingame pics Source – Finally a good set of pictures about another upcoming tier 7 premium heavy tank: the VK45.02P Finalmente un buon set di immagini su un altro carro pesante prossimo livello 7 premium: il VK45.02P [Show slideshow]
Worlf of Tanks Japanese Tiger I ingame pictures
Worlf of Tanks Japanese Tiger I ingame pictures Source – Today is the day of Japanese heavy tanks, here is 8 pictures of Tiger I Japanese. It’s awesome in action, it is better than German Tiger I! Oggi è il giorno dei carri pesanti giapponesi, dopo il 150ton O-I, ecco 8 immagini del Tigre…