Sturmgeschütz III mit 8.8cm KwK43 L71 Between 1943 and 1944, there was a proposal to upgrade Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) with the massive 8.8cm KwK43 L/71. The project reached to the mock-up stage. A wooden mock-up was made. Height and length of the superstructure appear to have been increased and a monobloc 88mm KwK 43…
WoT Fan Italian Tanks videos part1 and part2
WoT Fan Italian Tanks videos part1 and part2 WoT Fan youtube channel, one of most famous WoT fan channel on Youtube, right now published an interesting video about Italian tanks (the video is splitted in two parts)! Is something happening? The video is in russian speech, but it is quite good and Russians are very…
World of Warships developer diaries ep6 Maps
World of Warships developer diaries ep6 Maps Source – World of Wahips devs published the episode 6 of Developer diaries. This time they talk about the “Map Making”. Enjoy Gli sviluppatori hanno pubblicato il sesto episodio della serie Developer diaries. Questa volta parlano della creazione delle mappe. Buona visione.
About WoT Clan War Armageddon
About WoT Clan War Armageddon Source – As Ectar said, it’s confirmed: the last CW 1.0 event, Armageddon, will start on 10 June (or one day after), server EU. The prize will be a tier 8 premium tank IS-5 (a prototype of IS-8 tier 9) with exclusive camo and inscriptions. This tank will be…
World of Tanks leaks japanese heavy tanks type 89
World of Tanks leaks japanese heavy tanks type 89 Source -vk/wotleaks This tank was built in 1929 and was the first Japanese mass-produced tank with a diesel engine. It was the main tank of the Japanese forces in the early thirties.Type 89 was used during WWII and was an obsolete tank until the end of…
World of Tanks 9.8 Kanonenjagdpanzer
World of Tanks 9.8 Kanonenjagdpanzer The 9.8 database of WoT has the model of Kanonenjagdpanzer with 90mm. This vehicle will be a tank destroyer tier 8 premium and it will replace the Jagdtiger 8.8cm. The Jagdtiger 8.8 will be retired from the game (cause limited MM). [Show slideshow] Come per gli altri carri anche il…
World of Tanks RNG eu ep36
World of Tanks RNG eu ep36 Here you are the new episode of World of Tanks RNG eu edition, ep36. Enjoy! Mi era sfuggito ieri, non poteva mancare il consueto appuntamento al world of Tanks RNG edizione europea, episodio 36. Buona visione!
WoT mysterious tanks
WoT mysterious tanks Source – Two days ago, two unknown tanks appeared on official facebook page of World of Tanks. The first is a light tank with twin turrets. It’s the Vickers 6-Ton Tank or Vickers Mark E. It was a British light tank designed as a private project at Vickers. It was not…
World of Tanks Storm Q&A 02 06 2015
World of Tanks Storm Q&A 02 06 2015 Source – – Statistically the AMX 13 57 (with or without GF) is doing fine, in fact it’s quite better than the stats of AMX 13 75; – Individual missions filter seems bugged, it will be fixed; – Windows in the client are limited by resolution….
World of Warships A Brief History of Signal Flags
World of Warships A Brief History of Signal Flags Source – The Purpose of Naval Signal Flags The purpose of signal flags is to provide naval vessels a means of communication, as simply yelling at another other vessel is rarely efficient or practical. The principle behind signal flags is pretty simple: A series of…