Fonte – – no crashes. trad. no crash – no sound or tank destruction lags now, sound issue got fixed, which is very nice. trad. nessuna lag dalla distruzione dei carri, il problemi al sonoro sono stati corretti, che è una cosa buona. – noticeable FPS loss (by 10-15 FPS), I was running the Airfield…
WoT 9.0.1 patch
Ecco gli errori corretti: Fixed significant number of the ‘crash to desktop’ or ‘client crash’ issues. trad. significativamente corretti corretti il numero di crash al desktop o crash del client Fixed “Updating Tankers” issue that occurs when trying to create a Tank Company from Training Room. trad. corretto il problema dell’updating tankers che capita quando si cerca…
World of Tanks 24 04 2014 part 1
– Q: “Why do I, whenever I switch the gun, have the gold ammo switched from purchase for credits to purchase for gold? WG wants to cheat people?” A (Storm): “Definitely, that’s why it was specifically implemented. When I go to sleep, I think about how to silently steal gold from people. And I am…
WoT inside Tanks Jagdtiger
Rubrica Inside Tanks, oggi si parla di Jagdtiger! [embedplusvideo height=”450″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=I_fNfOh99xM&width=450&height=450&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep3754″ /]
Storm on FPS issue WoT 9.0
Attenzione! Articolo per chi ha un minimo di dimestichezza col PC! fonte – 9.0 issue post spam continues – this time, Storm posts about triple buffering. He states that the theory about positive effects (less microlags and more FPS on average and weak computers) of disabling the triple buffering in WoT was confirmed, but this ONLY works if Vsync is…
Chiedilo a Storm | Ask to Storm 24 04 2014
– Storm states that regarding the issue with the tanks looking on minimal details like utter shit (worse than they looked before 9.0), there will be fixes in upcoming patches, but there will be no hotfix for the way tanks look – 9.0.1 hotfix will not solve performance issues (apart from the FPS drops) –…
Chiedilo a Storm | Ask to Storm WoT 9.0.1 hotfix
fonte – Confermata la patch 9.0.1 per venerdì: “I will be brief. We fixed the crashes. We also significantly reduced the lags caused by destroyed tanks and explosions. We removed the bug that caused the client to hangup during transfer between servers. That’s the most important thing. We are fixing the game performance” trad. Sarò…
World of Tanks 23 04 2014 part2
Fonte – From Storm: – apparently, the crashes were caused by the new tracks render, it cannot be fixed “at home” by changing settings, hence the hotfix. trad. a quanto pare i carsh sono causati dal rendering dei nuovi cingoli, non si può correggere a casa modificando i settaggi, è necessario un hotfix. – the…
World of Tanks News 23 04 2014 part1
Fonte – – the bug, where in player statistics, damage blocked by your armor is divided by ALL battles and not just those from which it is collected will be fixed. trad. verrà corretto il bug nelle statistiche del giocatore dove il danno bloccato dalla corazza è stato diviso tra tutte le battaglie e non…
WoT 9.0 micropatch
Come già accennato prima, ecco la micropatch, pianificata per venerdì 25 aprile: Fonte – – fixed several bugs, that caused the client to crash. trad. corretti molti errori che causano il crash del client. – fixed the bug, where the player got “stuck” on “Updating tankers” screen in the hangar, that happened when a player…