Fonte – – currently there are 10 maps in the game. trad. ci sono 10 mappe in gioco – Soviet branch will come very soon. trad. il ramo sovietico verrà presto – WG hopes to introduce soon the following modes: companies, confrontation and team battles (currently, there are usually 150 people in the queue, who…
World of Warships Hacked
Fonte – e E’ successo sul serio, un hacker o meglio un player che tramite uno scanner e dopo aver recuperato degli indirizzi IP è venuto in possesso del client alpha di WoWs. Non è un processo semplice, ma nemmeno così arduo, SilentStalker lo spiega per filo e per segno. In ogni caso ne è…
War Thunder New Tanks
Interessanti novità per WT Ground Forces: Starting from today the Ground Forces CBT testers can research Rank III tanks, including several models that we did not previously show, like the KV-85 heavy tank and the SU-152 SPG. trad. A partire da domani i tester di WT Ground Forces potranno ricercare i carri di Rank III,…
World of Tanks News 28 03 2014
Fonte – – regarding the armor overhaul – when T-62A gets turned into HD, its armor will be reworked as well. trad. Per quanto riguarda la revisione dell’armatura – quando il T-62A verrà trasformato in HD , la sua armatura sarà rivisitata pure. – apparently there is no need to buff KV-5. trad. il KV5 non…
New Ranzar Video
Nuovo video tanktoon di Ranzar. Spassosissimo! [embedplusvideo height=”450″ width=”450″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=J3p3vwB7rbE&width=450&height=450&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep9279″ /]
WoT daily code
Codice giornaliero per WoT. Affrettatevi a riscattarlo, credo abbia attivazioni limitate. DT58G3SMRP
World of Tanks News 27 03 2014
Fonte – – developers state that in historical battles, having “pre-determined” setups (like always 2 Tigers, 3 Panthers and 5 Panzer IV’s for example) really limits the replayability of the historical battle (same map, same teams…). trad. i devs affermano che nell ebattaglie storiche avere setup predeterminati veramente limita la rigiocabilità delle battaglie. –…
WoT 9.0 New test Storm images
Fonte – e Altra serie di immagini pubblicate da Storm sui nuovi carri in HD. Buona visione [Show slideshow]
Historical Battles changes
Fonte: ; What follows is a list of the detailed historical battles changes from Test 1 to Test 2 (or HB Test to Test 1, if you like it like that). Thanks to Maiorboltach for posting them. – changed the MM weight point range of historical battles from 180-200 to 280-300 in order to increase…
WoT 9.0 second test is alive
Changes in the First Public Test of Version 9.0 in comparison to the Historical Battles Public Test New, improved models and textures added to the following vehicles: M18 Hellcat, M103, Tortoise, Maus and Panther. Certain bugs and defects fixed in the updated models of the following tanks: Tiger I, M4 Sherman and Т-54. New Non-Premium…