Fonte – e – mass-used (lowtier) tanks will recieve the ability to respawn on the battlefied. 2,3 or 4 times (this will be set in advance), with player choosing the respawn point out of several possibilities (the enemy will not be able to control all respawn points at once). i carri di livello basso avranno…
Micropatch 8.11mods issue how to solve it
Fonte : Molti mi hanno chiesto dei misteriosi crash del sistema, ecco i motivi e cosa fare: just a quick announcement: today’s micropatch started causing crashes of World of Tanks for many people. This is, according to Gnomefather (prominent mod-creator), caused by sound mods, which the patch made incompatible for some reason. ANY sound…
Historical Battles changes wot test server 9.0
– added the switching of sides (just like in random battles) – Germans in Kursk will no longer always start in the south, it will be random. trad. aggiunta la possibilità di cambiare il lato nella mappa. I tedeschi Kursk non partiranno più solamente da sud, ma tutto sarà casuale. – all battles will have…
World of Tanks News 24 03 2014
– regarding lighting in WoT: in battle, generally the only source of light is the sun. trad. in relazione alla luce in woT: essa proviene da una sola fonte, il sole. – currently, the HD model of Tiger has roughly 41 thousand polygons. trad. al momento il Tiger HD ha 41mila poligoni – special intensity…
World of Warships Leak – USA fleet
Fonte – ; Il titolo non ha bisogno di commenti. Dopo le navi giapponesi, ecco quelle statunitensi. Enjoy!! [Show slideshow]
World of Warships Leak – Japan fleet
Fonte – ; Finalmente delle indiscrezioni su World of Warships, ecco una splendida carrellata di immagini inerente la flotta giapponese. Tra le ultime foto riconoscerete la Yamato! [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks 9.0 test server feedback part 2
– the appearance of Jagdtiger in historical battles is correct, “it fought there according to some data about the 512. Heavy Anti-Tank Batallion” – it is not planned to increase test server capacity – more graphic settings are planned in the future, that’s why graphic setting window was reworked, they wouldn’t fit the old one-…
War Thunder Closed Beta Testing
Fonte –—Join-Closed-Beta-en Notizia di un paio di giorni fa, la Gaijin sta estendendo la closed beta di Ground Forces. Ecco il comunicato tradotto in italiano: We continue to send invites for War Thunder Closed Beta Testing on a daily basis. This weekend we’re planning to invite a really large number of new CBT players,…
Fonte – Nuove immagini del PZ IV AUSF A direttamente dal server test russo. Buona visione! [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks 9.0 test server feedback part 1
Fonte – – the five empty class slots on the queue screen is a bug. trad. i 5 slot vuoti con le classi dei carri sulla schemata di coda è un bug. – currently, playing lowtier tanks in historical battles will be stimulated by additional XP and credits, later by the possibility to respawn….