World of Tanks news 13 02 2014 – national battles as “assault” and “encounter” are not planned. trad. le battaglie nazionali come assalto e predominio non sono pianificate. – Storm on MM rules (why battletier 12 was removed): “MM tries to spread the tanks equally through their battletiers. That’s why tier 8′s are waiting in…
War Thunder Ground Forces 2nd video italiano
Altro video, questa volta totalmente in italiano, su War Thunder: Ground Forces. Vi piacerà! Buona visione!!!
War Thunder Ground Forces new gameplay video
Nuovo video su War Thunder Ground Forces. Qui si vedono tante nuove caratteristiche, fra cui presenza della contraerea, oneshot dai bombardieri, oneshot da parte di altri carri. Il realismo del territorio è meraviglioso e incredibile.
World of Tanks News 12 02 2014
– Storm states that the fact artillery MM weight was reduced by 10 percent does not mean that artillery absolutely cannot appear as a top top vehicle of the team, it only means the chance of such a thing happening is much lower. trad. Storm afferma che il fatto che l’artiglieria sia stata ridotta del…
World of Tanks 8.11 – Working mods list
Reddit below: Su questa pagina di Reddit abbiamo la lista di tutte le mod funzionanti sulla nuova patch 8.11. I link richiamano direttamente alle pagine del forum di WoT, quindi sicure al 100%, praticamente tutte le mod ormai sono funzionanti. Se però vi fidate e volete far prima, ecco l’elenco pronto e disponibile qui sotto!…
World of Tanks 11 07 2014
– 150-155mm TD guns alpha was nerfed in 8.11 – but what about HE alpha? SerB: “If it needs nerf – I will nerf it, if it doesn’t I won’t”. trad. l’alpha dei cannoni da 150-155mm è stato depotenziato, ma che cosa a riguardo del depotenziamento degli he? SerB: se si necessita di un depotenziamento,…
World of Tanks 8.11 – matchmaking scheme
New MM table for World of Tanks 8.11. I know, it’s old news, but it is still the history of World of Tanks. Enjoy! source –
World of Tanks – Ghost Tanks – where is the Panzerjäger R35
Some days ago (July 2019), devs said that they are thinking to change the nationality of some French tanks to the German nation: FCM 36 Pak 40 (premium) and 105 leFH18B2 (premium). These vehicles were German conversion of French captured tanks and they were German, though they were assimilated into French army after the D-Day….
World of Tanks news 10 02 2014 part 2
– SerB doesn’t see a general problem with the “old” tanks (SS: as in earlier introduced): “If Veider’s team notices problems in statistics, we will buff them”. trad. SerB non vede problemi con i vecchi carri (quelli introdotti per primi! ndt): ” Se il team di Veider nota problemi nelle statistiche, li potenzierà!” – SerB…
World of Tanks news 10 02 2014 part 1
– SerB doesn’t see a general problem with the “old” tanks (SS: as in earlier introduced): “If Veider’s team notices problems in statistics, we will buff them”. trad. SerB non vede problemi con i vecchi carri (quelli introdotti per primi! ndt): ” Se il team di Veider nota problemi nelle statistiche, li potenzierà!” – SerB…