New MM table for World of Tanks 8.11. I know, it’s old news, but it is still the history of World of Tanks. Enjoy! source –
World of Tanks – Ghost Tanks – where is the Panzerjäger R35
Some days ago (July 2019), devs said that they are thinking to change the nationality of some French tanks to the German nation: FCM 36 Pak 40 (premium) and 105 leFH18B2 (premium). These vehicles were German conversion of French captured tanks and they were German, though they were assimilated into French army after the D-Day….
World of Tanks news 10 02 2014 part 2
– SerB doesn’t see a general problem with the “old” tanks (SS: as in earlier introduced): “If Veider’s team notices problems in statistics, we will buff them”. trad. SerB non vede problemi con i vecchi carri (quelli introdotti per primi! ndt): ” Se il team di Veider nota problemi nelle statistiche, li potenzierà!” – SerB…
World of Tanks news 10 02 2014 part 1
– SerB doesn’t see a general problem with the “old” tanks (SS: as in earlier introduced): “If Veider’s team notices problems in statistics, we will buff them”. trad. SerB non vede problemi con i vecchi carri (quelli introdotti per primi! ndt): ” Se il team di Veider nota problemi nelle statistiche, li potenzierà!” – SerB…
World of Tanks News 09 02 2014
– Evilly: there will be an unified launcher for all WG games. trad. Evilly: ci sarà un launcher unificato per tutti i giochi della WG. – the leaver and AFK punishment system mentioned by Evilly should come in 9.1. trad. chi lascia o va in AFK avrà la punizione citata da Evilly, che sarà introdotta nella 9.1. – the captcha…
World of Tanks news – interview with Evilly – part 2
– CRC sum (MD5) checking usefulness is dubious and it is resource-requiring, according to Evilly – he states an example of some game, that does it, but it gets bypassed anyway. trad. l’utilità del controllo CRC sum (MD5) è dubbia e richiede risorse, secondo Evilly. Egli porta l’esempio di alcuni giochi che fanno questo e…
World of Tanks news – interview with Evilly – part 1
– Russian threads about bots were purged on RU forums, because a player cannot be 100 percent sure, whether the target is a bot or a human, apparently, bots caused a hysterical reaction across several communities. trad. la discussione russa sul forum riguardo ai bot è stata ripulita , perchè i giocatori non possono essere…
World of Tanks News 08 02 2014
– the “additional grousers” equipment works by reducing the ground resistance on soft surfaces and (somewhat less) on medium surfaces. I ramponi addizionali funzionano per ridurre la resistenza sui terreni soffici e un pò meno sui terreni medi (es. Strade sterrate, ndt). Fonte –
World of Tanks – BoT menace part 1
Silentstalker nel suo blog ha curato uno speciale sui BoT che affliggono WoT, leggiamo cosa ha scoperto e approfondito: Source– What a bot can do. trad. Bot, cosa possono fare When you say “bot”, most of us imagine a tank, that just stands in a corner, turning his gun around and occasionally shooting into the…
World of Tanks News 07 02 2014
– developers are investigating alleged FPS drops on very high end computers (Win8). trad. i devs stanno investigando su problemi di caduta di FPS su pc di fascia molto alta (Win8) – Q: “Please implement a ‘one minute remaining’ gong in the battle” A: “And girls in bikini, yes” trad. D. per favore aggiungete un…