World Of Tanks XBOX 360 is in a sort of open beta even if not yet on a global scale, all the news on the official website (in English). World Of Tanks XBOX 360 è in una sorta di open beta anche se non ancora a scala mondiale, tutte le notizie sul sito ufficiale (in…
World of Tanks News 03 02 2014
– there are no two arty lines for some nations (SS: Americans could get one) because “we don’t want it for now”. trad. non ci sono due linee arty per alcune nazioni (gli USa potrebbero prenderne un’altra) perchè non ne vogliamo per adesso. – apparently, TG (Tank Grotte) won’t be implemented anytime soon. trad. il…
World of Tanks – Ask to Storm 02 02 2014
– new 8.11 FOV is 90 degrees. trad. il nuovo FOV nella 8.11 è di 90 gradi. – the old 8.11 FOV was actually different for each resolution. trad. il vecchio FOV della 8.11 era differente per ogni risoluzione – during this week it will be decided whether 9.0 will bring TD camo nerf (SS:…
World of Tanks News 02 02 2014
– apparently, T23 premium tank will not be sold… trad. il T23 premium non sarà in vendita. – T23 will not have the same speed going backward as going forward, the reverse will be around 30 km/h. trad. il T23 avrà la stessa velocità in avanti e in retro. La velocità in retro sarà di…
World of Tanks leaks – ghost tank ZiS-30
For the column ghost tanks, mmowg offers you an interesting fake leak. For a few hours, an artfully constructed screenshot of the introduction of premium Soviet tankers went around the net. They will not be introduced in 8.11, but on a date to be decided. One of these tanks will be the ZiS-30 (in English…
World of Tanks news 01 02 2014
– all shell types of the same gun do the same module damage (SS: I checked at gamemodels3d, HE shells do NOT do more module damage than AP shells). trad. tutti i tipi di proiettili dello stesso cannone fanno lo stesso danno ai moduli. – engine can be set on fire by ANY damage (SS: even…
World of Tanks Blitz news 01 02 2014
Finally some news on WoTBlitz, of which we spoke little recently. Following are the main features of the game: 7 vs 7 battle mode. trad. only 7vs7 battles battles are faster than WoT’s 7 minutes. trad. the duration of a battle will be 7min release will include 8 maps and over 100 tanks. trad. the…
World of Tanks – Streaming with community managers
– apparently, the Wargaming signed contract with Twitch and it will be possible in the future to stream directly from the game. trad. la WG ha firmato un contratto con Twitch e sarà in possibile in futuro trasmettere in streaming direttamente dal gioco. – in 9.0, there will be 12 HD models and a part…
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World of Tanks News 31 01 2014
– quality of armor is not taken into account in World of Tanks. Qualità della corazza non è presa in considerazione in World of Tanks – recently, one of the “lesser” developers posted on RU forums that “higher caliber guns have bigger chance of damaging modules” – Yurko2F explains how this really works: it has…