king george v source – thedailybounce Statistics General Level 8 Health 60 400 Main battery Maximum firing range 18 150 356 mm/45 MkIII 2 x 4 356 mm 356 mm/45 MkII 1 x 2 356 mm Secondary armament Maximum firing range 5 000 134 mm/50 QF Mk I 8 x 2 134 mm Air defense 134 mm/50 QF Mk I 8 x 2 134 mm 40 mm/39 QF Mark VII 6 x 4 40 mm…
World of Warships supertest – Tier VII British Battleship Nelson Stats & Pictures
nelson Source – Statistics General Level 7 Health 59 400 Main battery Maximum firing range 18 205 406 mm/45 Mk I 3 x 3 406 mm Secondary armament Maximum firing range 5 000 120 mm/40 QF Mk VIII 6 x 1 120 mm 152 mm/50 Mk XXII 6 x 2 152 mm Air defense 120 mm/40 QF Mk VIII 6 x 1 120 mm 40 mm Vickers 2-pdr. Mk VIII 6 x 8 40 mm 20 mm…
World of Warships British Battleships – the Complete List –
Source – Tier III – HMS Bellerophon (1909) Tier IV – HMS Orion (1912) Tier V – HMS Iron Duke (1914) Tier VI – HMS Queen Elizabeth (1915) Tier VII – HMS Nelson Tier VIII – HMS King George V Tier IX – Lion Tier X – Conqueror
World of Tanks Sandbox – Sunny Valley Map – Iteration 2 Video & Minimap
World of Warships – British Battleships Teased
World of Tanks RU RNG No Comments ep81
World of Warships Q&A 07 06 2017
source – Babykim, WoWs EU forum Some explanations about the penetration mechanic in relationship to the changes for German guns by developer BadPreacher. Source: https://forum.worldo…comment-3578275 Let us start with HE. The penetration is computed according to the 1/6 or 1/4 caliber rules, rounding to the nearest whole number. The resulting number is the armor thickness…
World of Tanks Supertest & Sandbox: Sunny Valley Changes
1. The city was redesigned for heavy tanks 2. Restricted access to the central part of the map (castle), 3. Devs added elements in this area to allow intense gameplay 4. Updated the spawn for a more equal start of the two teams. Città rifatta per i carri pesanti Accesso limitato nella parte centrale della mappa…
World of Warships HSF Harekaze & HSF Graf Spee Stats
World of Tanks Micropatch 0.9.19_2
There are plans to release Micropatch 0.9.19_2 on June 8th, 2017 RU. June 8 from 6:00 to 6:45 (MSC) EU. 08.06.2017 from 06:00 to 06:45 CEST NA. June 8th 2017 at 02:00 Pacific Time (09:00 UTC) for 1 hour. During maintenance, the World of Tanks servers will be unavailable. Patchnotes: Fixed the issue where the…