World of Tanks ITA official announcement
Source – Commanders, There are a lot of Italians who play World of Tanks passionately. Many of you have reached high tiers, fought with the most famous tanks in history, and won battles with your teams. It’s about time we give you the importance you deserve with an Italian World of Tanks website, and what better…
World of Tanks EU in Italian
No news for today! WoT EU portal has got the Italian language! Praticamente nessuna novità di rilievo per oggi. Come avrete notato, da qualche giorno wot eu ha la lingua in italiano, all’alba della fine del mondo ce l’hanno fatta…
World of Tanks – The Supply Box Challenge [EU]
During June, we prepared an entirely new challenge for you to take on, in which you can win three supply boxes full of valuable consumables and Personal Reserves. For each day you play, you’ll receive one Personal Reserve, and the more actively you play during this month, the bigger the supply boxes and the rewards…
World of Tanks – Ranked Battle mode : Beta season
World of Tanks Supertest Russian STG or CTG aka ST-8 ingame pictures
World of Tanks Supertest Russian STG or CTG aka ST-8 tier 8 medium tank
Statistics: Tier: MT-8, USSR, premium HP: 1350 Engine: 500 hp Mass: 28 t Maximum load: 30 t Power-to-weight: 17,86 hp / t Max speed/Min speed: 50 / -20 km / h Hull turning speed: 45 °/s Turret turning speed: 36,5 °/s Terrain resistance values: 0,671 / 0,767 / 1,534 View range: 370 m Radio range:…
World of Tanks Console Update 3.8: Battlefield Bonanza
Update 3.8: “Battlefield Bonanza” brings balance and graphical improvements to a pair of popular maps: Northwest and Redshire, and a sunnier Ardennes! We’ve also improved our Platoon system by updating the look and feel of the interface! The system is now cleaner and more intuitive, so try it out with a battle buddy! Ardennes –…
World of Tanks 0.9.19_1 update patch notes
RU: June 2 from 6:00 to 6:45 (MSC) EU: 02.06.2017 from 06:00 to 06:45 CEST NA: Micropatch 0.9.19_1 on June 2nd, 2017. Maintenance will begin at 02:00 Pacific Time (09:00 UTC) and will last approximately one hour. During maintenance, the World of Tanks servers will be unavailable. Patch notes: Fixed the issue with accessing missions from the…
World of Tanks Strv S1 Ingame for Gold
The Swedish tier 8 premium TD was added to the ingame store. Price: 10900 Gold. L’Strv S1 è disponibile online, direttamente in gioco al prezzo di 10900 ori (aspettate gli sconti!)