Hetzer Kame HP: 440 Hull Armor: 60/20/8mm Weight: 16.41t Engine Power: 220hp Power to Weight: 13.40 Speed: +42 kph Hull Traverse: 41.72 deg./sec. Damage: 160/140/200 Penetration: 110/158/20mm Rate of Fire: 6.95 Aim Time: 3.7 sec. Accuracy: .355 View Range: 210m medal for who collected “Anko” Pz.IV, “Kuromorimine” Tiger I, and the “Kame” Hetzer WZ-111 HP: 1500…
World of Tanks Q&A 31 05 2017
* A few people know this, but in your company there is a sort of “Department” for Player Happiness. What is it and what do they do. Are the players really happy? – Yes there is. This is a fairly new department for us. It unites several teams at once, their task is to monitor…
World of Tanks 9.19 video review
World of Tanks 9.19 Official Patchnotes
Source – https://worldoftanks.eu/it/news/general-news/919-release-announcement/ World of Tanks servers will be down on 31 May from 03:00 to 09:00 CEST (UTC+2) to get everything in order. Also, we’ll be freezing the Global Map for 24 hours, temporarily closing the Clan portal and cancelling Strongholds battles. For the SD client, the patch size is 380 MB For the HD client, the patch size…
World of Tanks 9.19 Improved Equipment and Directives
Source: EU WoT Portal During the 9.19 Common Test, quite a few tankers put some serious work into climbing the Ranked Battles ladder to fight increasingly challenging opponents. Before the battle gets too heated (and it sure will when the Ranked Battles Beta Season kicks off), let’s take a breather to highlight how you could…
World of Tanks WGL 2017 HD MAPS PREVIEW new video
Source – https://ritastatusreport.live/ There are no plans for new maps at all this year with the entire team working on converting current maps to HD. No plans for an Italian tech tree this year. CW will resume its season this summer and into the fall. Nothing is going to be added to the current global…
World of Tanks Q&A 27 05 2017
Thanks to Vlad for translating. – “Defender” will not be sold again for quite some time; – An anti-cheat system is being developed which allows for mods to identify themselves, testing should start in autumn; – No new maps. There are ideas, but the whole team is currently occupied with HD maps; – There will…
World of Tanks RNG No Comments #80
World of Tanks Sandbox Frontline Epic Normandy Test Wrap-up
Source: Sandbox Portal After crawling out from under the deluge of data we collected, we’re extremely excited to brief you on the results of the Frontline test. Its massive battles with double-sized teams, respawns and resupplying really clicked with everyone. We’re pleased with what we’ve seen and will continue working on Frontline together with you….