Tier 6 Regular Chinese TD. Chinese server only. It’s another dream tank destroyer Tier 6 regolare cinese solo per il server cinese, altro cacciacarri sognato da chissà chi… Statistics: Tier: TD-6 HP: 550 Engine: 430 hp Mass: 20,66 t Maximum load: 23 t Power-to-weight: 20,81 hp / t Max speed/Reverse speed: 50 / -18 km…
World of Tanks 9.19 KV-13, T-44, MTLS-1G14 & Alecto hd model pictures
World of Tanks Light Tanks Revision: Germany
Source: EU WoT Portal German efficiency isn’t just reserved for the nation’s cars—their tanks are pretty robust, too. Built to last and synonymous with high quality, German light tanks stand out from the crowd thanks to excellent firepower and equipment. In Update 9.18, the Tech Tree was extended to Tier X, unleashing two new vehicles…
World of Tanks Supertest T-103 new Stats
Statistics: Tier: TD-8 HP: 1250 Engine: 1000 hp Mass: 63 t Maximum load: 66 t Power-to-weight: 15,9 hp / t Max speed/Reverse speed: 40 / -12 km / h Hull turning speed: 30 °/s Turret turning speed: 15 °/s Terrain resistance values: 1,3 / 1,4 / 2,5 View range: 380 m Radio range: 730 m…
World of Tanks supertest Tiger 131
Statistics: Tier: HT-6 HP: 950 Engine: 650 hp Mass: 57,020 t Maximum load: 61 t Power-to-weight: 11,4 hp / t Max speed/reverse speed: 40 / -12 km / h Hull turning speed: 26 °/s Turret turning speed: 20 °/s Terrain resistance values: 1,2 / 1,4 / 2,9 View range: 370 m Radio range: 710 m…
World of Tanks 9.19 Test Estimated Release Date
– first Common Test of the 9.19 patch — 4 May. – Second Common Test of the 9.19 patch — May 11. -Patch launch (RU) at the end of May 2017.
World of Tanks 9.19 Supertest Patchnotes
Game Features. 1. Ranked Battles Ranked Battles is a 15v15 mode exclusive to Tier X vehicles, where the first team to eliminate the opposition or capture their base secures victory. Basically, the setup is the same as Random Battles. And that’s where the similarity ends. Ranked Battles is all about individual results. Your ultimate goal…
World of Warships – Naval Legends: HMAS Diamantina
World of Tanks NA Server Issues Compensation
Source: WOT NA Portal Over the past several months, many players reported an unusual number of lag spikes or freezes when playing World of Tanks. Given the nature of the internet, occasional glitches can happen in any online game, but this recent flare-up wasn’t typical. Our team has been hard at work to address these…
World of Tanks Micropatch 0.9.18_2 (NA/EU) and 9.18 for EU
Source: WG Support Center There are plans to release Micropatch 0.9.18_2 on April 27th, 2017 Maintenance will begin at 03:30 Pacific Time (10:30 UTC) and will last approximately one hour. During maintenance, the World of Tanks servers will be unavailable. Patch notes: The matchmaking mechanics were adjusted as follows: The top tier of three-tier battles…