World of Tanks 9.18 Common Test Patchnotes
Source: EU Portal Today’s the day many tankers have been waiting for—the revised matchmaker and SPGs are available for everyone to test. On top of that, five Tier X light tanks roll out, bringing changes to the very structure of light tank branches, multiple balance tweaks to mid/lower tier vehicles, and the much more player-friendly…
World of Tanks 9.18 Object 261, Object 430 Version II, SU-101 HD models
World of Tanks PC – Update 9.18 Common Test Review video
World of Tanks 9.18 T92 HMC, WZ-132, T-54 Lightweight, Т-50 HD models
World of Tanks 9.17.1 micropatch
On 30th March from 6:00 to 6:35 MSK, the servers were unavailable due to a client & server update (micropatch). The patch solved the problem of subtracting gold and adding credits without selling a tank, if after demounting an equipment there was no gold left or there was not enough gold for further demounting. Il…
World of Tanks 9.18 Common test server online
The Common Test WoT 0.9.18 launcher is ready and the Common Test Server is online. You can download the launcher here: The total size of the HD models is: 973.62 MB. WoT 9.18 test comune è online e il launcher è disponibile per il download da questo link: L’ammontare in megabyte dei modelli…