Summary Sandbox re-opens today for the fourth and final round of testing: Phase 4. It will run March 16-20. We’ll introduce changes to Tier X light tanks made after the feedback from Phase 3 and continue fine-tuning new SPG mechanics across Tiers VIII–X. Vehicle Rotation Rules Imposed to ensure vehicle versatility and shorten wait…
World of Warships RU new commercial
World of Tanks RNG No Comments ep76
World of Tanks & Murazor about IS-4 Branch Changes
Source – Murazor confirmed the plans to change the branch of the T-150>KV-3>KV-4>ST-1>IS-4 tanks. IS-4 will move to the 9th tier…the developers think about the introduction of the ST-II tank (with two guns mounted on a turret, ndt). Murazor ha confermato i piani per cambiare il ramo dei carri pesanti russi T-150> KV-3> KV-4> ST-1>…
World of Tanks supertest and sandbox – new info about Artillery Changes
Thanks to Vlad for translating. Source: WoT RU Devs The changes to the role of SPGs continue on, shortly before the start of the next stage of testing on the Sandbox sever, we are ready to share new information about the changes of this class. Important: changes to combat performance and some game mechanics will…
World of Warships Patchnotes
Maintenance Start: 16/03/2017 @ 05:00 UTC+8 Maintenance End: 16/03/2017 @ 06:30 UTC+8 Please view the patch notes below for further information. Patch Notes Changes and Fixes The New York port has been decorated with unique St.Patrick’s day decorations. With the patch release, St.Patrick’s one-time use camouflage “Lá Fhéile Pádraig” (Price: 60 Doubloons) for all…
World of Tanks NA Chinese 112 heavy tank on sale
Source – NA Portal China’s iconic heavy tank 112 is making its way to the Tech Tree. Get it in-game with Gold or buy it in the Premium Shop any time! Even better, scoop it up now with equipment and Gold at a discount until April 3. Either way, the 112 is here to stay….
World of Tanks EU T-44-100 – Standard
tier VIII T-44-100; SLOT. DETAILS This week, the offer for tank collectors features an effective Soviet supporter. Unlike its counterpart, the T-54 First Prototype, the T-44-100 trades armour for mobility, which make it a good choice for commanders in favour of dynamic gameplay. Get the tank together with a garage slot. LINK: Questa settimana, l’offerta per…