During the LT split, the value of the camo in silver or gold (depending how you bought it) will be returned; Clan War camos will be placed in the inventory; leKpz M41 90mm GF will stay on tier 8 with the same stats; The VK7201 will get its’ exclusive model/camo in the next version. -Durante…
World of Tanks March 2017 Wallpaper
WITH CALENDAR WITHOUT CALENDAR 1024×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×720 1280×768 1280×800 1280×960 1280×1024 1360×768 1366×768 1440×900 1600×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1920×1080 1920×1200 1920×1280 2048×1152 2560×1440 2560×1600 1024×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×720 1280×768 1280×800 1280×960 1280×1024 1360×768 1366×768 1440×900 1600×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1920×1080 1920×1200 1920×1280 2048×1152 2560×1440 2560×1600
World of Warships 0.6.2 Public test patch notes iteration 2
Here are the patchnotes for the round 2 of the Public Test by Tuccy, WG Staff: Haven map is available for battle tiers VII-X for Standard Battle and Domination game modes. Ring map is available for battle tiers IV-VI for Standard Battle and Domination game modes. Fixed a bug that caused game client use too much…
World of Warships Interview with Lesta’s Ship Design representative
Translated by Umbaretz. Tell us about yourself: I work in Lesta on designing large surface artillery ships (cruisers and battleships). Graduated from Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute with a degree in shipbuilding. I.e. was taught to create both civil and military ships. For two years worked in ship repair, serviced nuclear submarines. I like everything in my…
World of Tanks supertest T-100 tier X soviet light tank
Standard Shell Damage: 240/400 Standard Shell Penetration (mm):173/288 RoF: 8.01 Reload Time: 7.5 Turret Traverse Speed: 55.28 Gun Depression: -5/+15 Aiming time: 1.92 Shell Dispersion (at 100 m): 0.42 Average Damage per Minute: 2,564 Durability (HP): 1,500 Hull Armor: 120/40/40 Turret Armor: 180/40/40 Weight/Load Limit: 15/18 Engine Power: 850 Specific Power (h.p./t): 56.67 Top Speed:…
World of Tanks Console – PAINGOD’s Picks : T23E3 & FV201 (A45)
World of Tanks Sandbox phase 3: New Light Tech Tree
World of Tanks Sandbox phase 3 – Full Patchnotes
The third iteration of the Sandbox includes the following major changes: 1. Added tier 10 light tanks. 2. Changed the mechanic of firing in SPG’s – reduced the damage of HE projectiles, increased radius of shell splash, stun mechanic, no AP shells for SPG’s, changed some characteristics. 3. Changed the mechanics of consumables –…
World of Tanks Sandbox phase 3
Info from portal: We want to give a big shout out to all those that have participated in the artillery test in Sandbox so far, and encourage even more of you to jump in! The second round of testing recently came to end, which means there’s a status update inbound. The changes to SPGs worked well…
World of Tanks 9.17.1 hidden changes
Source – https://thearmoredpatrol.com/2017/02/26/other-9-17-1-stat-changes-lorr-40-nerfchrysler-k-buff/ Lorraine 40t: Clip size reduced from 6 shells to 4. Drum reload dropped to 34.52s (from 48 seconds) Chrysler K: 9.17.1 model: http://beta.tanks.gg/v09171ct/tank/chrysler-k/model Sides went from 76.2mm to 101.6 mm, which is good for sidescraping. UFP went from 120.7mm to 133.4 mm. LFP went from 125.4 mm to 184.2 mm.