The M3 light tank design emerged as the result of an event in France where Germans proved how efficient tanks can be.The M3 was an upgrade of the M2 including a new engine, suspension and multiple .30 cal machine guns.
It is armed with a 37mm M5 gun which was exchanged on the later version for a slightly longer M6 version. The M3 and it’s subsequent versions were supplied to the allies under the lend lease program. The British called them “Stuart” but soldiers usually called them “Honey” because of it’s smooth ride and reliability.
War Thunder Steel Generals M3 USA tank
L’M3 light è il risultato di un miglioramento del progetto dell’M2, con nuovo motore, sospensioni e mitragliatrici multiple da 30mm. L’armamento principale è un 37mm M5, più tardi sostituito con uno più lungo, l’M6. L’M3 e le versioni successive aiutarono gli alleati con i programmi lend lease. Gli inglesi lo chiamarono Stuart, ma i carristi “Miele”, per la facilità di guida e l’affidabilità