Remember the T77, which at the first iteration of the General test 1.10 shoveled all the performance characteristics, completely changing the concept of the tank (from 3 to 5 shells in the cartridge). Now all the changes have been rolled back and + also nerfed.
In the second iteration of the OT, the T77 tank was completely rolled back all the changes to the first iteration of the general test. Some characteristics have become worse than they were previously on the supertest (indicated in brackets). Perhaps there will be more changes in the general test for this tank.
Ricordi il T77, che alla prima iterazione del test generale 1.10 ha spalancato tutte le caratteristiche prestazionali, cambiando completamente il concetto del carro (da 3 a 5 proiettilinella cartuccia). Ora tutte le modifiche sono state ripristinate e, anche, nerfate.
Nella seconda iterazione dell’OT, il serbatoio T77 è stato completamente ripristinato tutte le modifiche alla prima iterazione del test generale. Alcune caratteristiche sono peggiorate rispetto a prima sul supertest (indicato tra parentesi). Forse ci saranno più cambiamenti nel test generale per questo carro.
– T77 (USA, MT-8, premium with 3 shells inside the cartridge)
Changes for T77 relative to the first iteration of the general test:
• Aiming time: from 2.78 to 2.40 (Was 2.21)
• Cartridge charging time: s 47.94 to 38.38 (Was 36.43)
• Reload inside the drum: from 3.7 to 2
• The number of shells in the drum: from 5 to 3
• The number of shells: from 40 to 36
• The rate of fire of the gun: from 4.78 by 4.25 (Was 4.45)
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.36 to 0.35
• Dispersion after a shot: from 4 to 4.5
• Average penetration of the main projectile: from 198 to 215 (Was 217)
• Main shell damage: from 400 to 360
• Average damage per minute of the main shell: from 1913 to 1530 (Was 1603)
• Average penetration of a special shell: from 280 to 270
• Damage of the main projectile: from 400 to 360
• Average damage per minute of a special projectile: from 1913 to 1530 (Was 1603)
• Damage of a high-explosive shell: from 515 to 460
• Average damage per minute of a high-explosive projectile: from 2463 to 1955 (It was 2048)
• Machine weight: from 27.332 to 26.000
• Engine power: 700 (Not touched)
• Specific power: from 13.90 to 14.28 (It was 16.32)
• Range of view: from 400 by 380
• Scatter from the turn of the chassis (max.): 0.22 (9.64) ==> 0.22 (7.57)
• Scatter from the turn of the tower (max.): 0.16 (6.34)) ==> 0.14 (5.55) (It was 0.12 (4.76 )
• Ground resistance: from 1.1 / 1.2 / 2.1 to 1.2 / 1.3 / 2.4
• Suspension turn speed: from 43.81 to 34.42
source – wotexpress
ormai questo carro non serve piu e da eliminare