Pay attention, with the release of 1.12.1, the game can only be launched through the WGC.
Launching through third-party launchers will no longer be available (blocked by WG).
Also on the release 1.12.1 added full support for Steam in the WGC. Therefore, we are waiting for the release of WOT from Steam, between 1.12.1 and the next patch.
Fai attenzione, con il rilascio della 1.12.1, il gioco può essere avviato solo tramite il WGC.
L’avvio tramite lanciatori di terze parti non sarà più disponibile (bloccati da WG). Anche nella versione 1.12.1 è stato aggiunto il supporto completo per Steam nel WGC.
Siamo quindi in attesa del rilascio di WOT da Steam, tra 1.12.1 e la prossima patch.
And for Steam, a lot of lines of code were added:
Line 37: [accountCompletion / emailOverlay / alreadyConfirmed / title] :: {Email confirmed}
Line 38: [accountCompletion / emailOverlay / error / codeAlreadySent] :: {Requests exceeded. You can change your email or send the letter again through% (timer)}
Line 39: [accountCompletion / emailProviderBanned] :: {This email service is blocked in your country.}
Line 40: [accountCompletion / emailRestrictedByCountry] :: {You cannot link email to your account.}
Line 41: [accountCompletion / emailRestrictedByCountryHeader] :: {Unable to bind email}
Line 42: [accountCompletion / errorIsWrong] :: {Invalid email. Check that the address is correct.}
Line 43: [accountCompletion / rewardsTitle] :: {Email confirmation reward}
Line 44: [accountCompletion / submit] :: {Submit}
Line 45: [accountCompletion / tooManyRequests] :: {Too many requests to the server. Please try again in a few seconds.}
Line 46: [accountCompletion / warningServerIsMissing] :: {% (icon) Service temporarily unavailable.% (Br) Try
again later.} Line 47: [accountCompletion / warningSomethingWentWrong] :: {Something went wrong So.}
source – wotexpress