• Dispersion of the gun while moving and turning the chassis of the T-43 has been reduced by 25%.
• Dispersion of the gun during movement and turns of the chassis T-43 arr. 1943 reduced by 27%.
• Dispersion of the 85 mm D-5T-85BM gun during the rotation of the T-43 turret mod. 1943 reduced by 43%.
• Dispersion of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun reduced from 0.45 m to 0.43 m.
• Dispersion of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun during rotation of the A-44 turret decreased by 25%.
• The aiming time of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun has been reduced from 3.4 to 2.9 s.
source – wotexpress