World of Tanks WoT 1.24.1 Common Test: Unveiling Changes to SU-122V (USSR, Tier-8, TD, Premium Mechanics: Hydropneumatic Suspension Activated by Button) Relative to the First Iteration of the Supertest
In the latest update, WoT 1.24.1, only two new “golden” tanks have been introduced. Notably, the SU-122V has been downgraded from level 9 to level 8.
Upon the release of update 1.24.1, the SU-122V tank (USSR, TD-8, premium mechanics: hydropneumatic suspension activated by button) will undergo testing by random developers and supertesters.
Historical Background
The SU-122V, a preliminary design from the mid-50s, is a tank destroyer that can be aimed horizontally by rotating the hull. A hydropneumatic suspension was developed specifically for this vehicle, allowing the body to tilt forward or backward. This feature further enhanced the elevation and declination angles of the gun. The engine-transmission group was strategically placed at the front of the self-propelled gun. The gun, not rigidly fixed, could be guided in two planes, although the horizontal guidance sector was limited. Despite the innovative design, work on the vehicle ceased at the sketch stage.
As wrote before, the SU-122V has undergone significant changes: the main one, the tank is now a tier 8 premium.
In terms of firepower:
- Gun loading time has increased from 8.72 to 11.79 seconds.
- The rate of fire has decreased from 6.88 to 5.09.
- Aiming time has increased from 1.92 to 2.88 seconds.
- Accuracy at 100 m has slightly worsened from 0.38 to 0.40.
- Dispersion from maximum movement has increased from 0.20 (8.00) to 0.30 (15.00).
- Dispersion from maximum chassis rotation remains at 0.20, but the value has decreased from 6.26 to 5.01.
- Dispersion from maximum gun rotation remains at 0.10, but the value has increased from 1.67 to 2.71.
- Armor penetration of the first (AP) projectile has decreased from 270 to 252 mm.
- Armor penetration of the first (AP) projectile at 500m has slightly decreased from 240 to 238 mm.
- Average damage per minute with the first (AP) projectile has decreased from 3,026 to 2,239.
- Armor penetration of the second (APCR->HEAT) projectile has increased from 315 to 340 mm.
- Armor penetration of the second (APCR->HEAT) projectile at 500m has increased from 280 to 340 mm.
- The initial flight speed of the second (APCR->HEAT) projectile has decreased from 1,180 to 920 m/s.
- Average damage per minute with the second (APCR->HEAT) projectile remains the same at 2,239.
- Average damage per minute with the third (HE) projectile has decreased from 3,645 to 2,697.
When it comes to firepower in Siege Mode:
- Gun loading time has increased from 8.72 to 9.88 seconds.
- The rate of fire has decreased from 6.88 to 6.08.
- Aiming time has improved from 1.92 to 1.44 seconds.
- Accuracy at 100 m has improved from 0.38 to 0.24.
- Dispersion after shot has decreased from 3.50 to 3.00.
- Dispersion from maximum movement has increased from 0.20 (4.00) to 0.25 (1.25).
- Dispersion from maximum chassis rotation has decreased from 0.20 (6.26) to 0.15 (3.75).
- Dispersion from maximum gun rotation has increased from 0.10 (1.67) to 0.20 (3.34).
- Average damage per minute with the first (AP) projectile has decreased from 3,026 to 2,673.
- Average damage per minute with the second (APCR->HEAT) projectile remains the same at 2,673.
- Average damage per minute with the third (HE) projectile has decreased from 3,645 to 3,220.
In terms of survivability:
- Hull armor has changed from 80/40/30 to 80/60/60 mm.
- Tank durability or HP has decreased from 1,600 to 1,200.
- Chassis module HP strength (after repair) has decreased from 240 (180) to 220 (165).
- Chassis repair time has slightly decreased from 12.29 to 12.03 seconds.
- Engine module HP strength (after repair) has decreased from 370 (185) to 260 (130).
- Optics module HP strength (after repair) has decreased from 110 (55) to 100 (50).
- Chance of fire has increased from 0.12 to 0.15%.
In terms of mobility:
- Maximum forward speed has increased from 40 to 50 km/h.
- Load capacity has decreased from 45,000 to 35,000 kg.
- Engine power has decreased from 650 to 500 hp.
- Specific power has slightly increased from 15.12 to 15.34 hp/t.
- Gun traverse speed has increased from 16.69 to 27.12 deg/s.
- Chassis traverse speed has decreased from 31.29 to 25.03 deg/s.
- Hull weight has significantly decreased from 24,695 to 15,000 kg.
- Gun weight has slightly decreased from 3,400 to 3,397 kg.
- Chassis weight has decreased from 13,500 to 13,000 kg.
- Engine weight has decreased from 950 to 750 kg.
- Tank weight has significantly decreased from 43,000 to 32,602 kg.
In terms of mobility in siege mode:
- Maximum forward speed has significantly decreased from 20 to 5 km/h.
- Maximum reverse speed has decreased from 10 to 5 km/h.
In terms of spotting:
- View range has increased from 350 to 380 m.
In terms of camo:
- Invisibility of a vehicle in motion has significantly decreased from 14.42% to 3.25%.
- Invisibility of a vehicle in motion after a shot has decreased from 2.60% to 0.58%.
- Invisibility of a stationary vehicle has significantly decreased from 24.00% to 5.41%.
- Invisibility of a stationary vehicle after a shot has decreased from 4.32% to 0.97%.
- Penalty for stealth in case of fire has significantly decreased from 63.20% to 14.30%.
In general:
- The tank class has changed from “Promotional” to “Premium”.
- The “Secret” and “Tank for testing” tank tags have been removed.
- Tier has decreased from 9 to 8.
- Cost of repairing tank strength has significantly decreased from 11,200 to 7,200 credits.
- Module repair cost has decreased from 7,730 to 6,310 credits.
- Time to switch to siege mode has increased from 1 to 2 seconds.

source – wotexpress eu