Anticipating New WoT Plus Subscription Perks in Update 1.24.1
Devs are excited to share a potential lineup of future bonuses for WoT Plus subscribers. These could include:
- A unique emblem titled “Vanguard WoT Plus” displayed near your nickname, along with a corresponding patch.
- An added experience boost to a controlled bonus when victorious.
- A bonus specifically for credits.
- A trial period offering free subscription.
However, it’s important to note that the current subscription model still has some limitations. For instance, gifting this subscription without an upfront payment remains impossible, a fact that stands out in the subscription world. Additionally, the option to pay for more than a month at a time is still not available.

whoop dee do, more stuff (patch,emblems,badges)that you can’t use to make your tank better..
change the tank also..