World of Tanks, Patch 1.24: How The Lätt Stridsfordon 120 has been changed
The Lätt Stridsfordon 120 is a Swedish tank destroyer, with a special mechanic: the hydropneumatic suspension activated by button. This mechanic allows you to switch between two modes: the normal mode and the siege mode. In the normal mode, you have a good mobility and a decent firepower, but a low accuracy and a high dispersion. In the siege mode, you have a reduced mobility and a limited traverse, but a higher accuracy and a lower dispersion. You can use these modes to adapt to different situations and tactics on the battlefield.
In Update 1.24, devs have made some changes and improvements to this tank, based on testing and feedback. These changes are aimed at balancing and enhancing the performance and gameplay of this tank.

Here are the changes that developers have made:
- Changed the tank class from “Promotional” to “Premium”. This means that you can now earn more credits and experience with this tank, and use it for crew training and missions.
- Added the tank tag “Earning bonds”. This means that you can now earn bonds with this tank, and use them for various purposes, such as buying rare and exclusive vehicles, equipment, directives, and more.
- Removed the tank tag “Unique”.
- Reduced the cost of repairing tank durability from 14,250 to 10,500. This means that you can now save more credits and resources with this tank, and use them for other purposes.
- Reduced the gun loading from 11.51 to 9.11.
- Increased the gun rate of fire from 5.21 to 6.59.
- Reduced the motion spread (max.) from 0.40 (24.00) to 0.40 (20.00).
- Increased the average damage per minute 1 (BP) projectile from 2,190 to 2,767.
- Increased the average damage per minute 2 (KS) with a shell from 2,190 to 2,767.
- Increased the average damage per minute 3 (HP) with a shell from 2,764 to 3,491.
Firepower in siege mode:
- Increased the gun loading from 8.82 to 9.11.
- Reduced the gun rate of fire from 6.80 to 6.59.
- Reduced the aiming time from 1.96 to 1.17.
- Reduced the dispersion per 100 m from 0.34 to 0.29.
- Increased the movement dispersion (max.) from 0.10 (2.00) to 0.40 (4.00).
- Reduced the average damage per minute 1 (BP) projectile from 2,857 to 2,767.
- Reduced the average damage per minute 2 (DC) projectile from 2,857 to 2,767.
- Reduced the average damage per minute 3 (HP) projectile from 3,605 to 3,491.
- Reduced the max. forward speed from 60 to 50.
- Increased the max. reverse speed from 40 to 45.
- Reduced the engine power from 380 to 340.
- Increased the specific power from 16.55 to 17.00.
- Reduced the soil resistance from 1.4/1.5/2.6 to 0.8/0.9/1.6.
- Reduced the hull weight from 14,210 to 11,255.
- Reduced the tank weight from 22,955 to 20,000.
Mobility in siege mode:
- Reduced the max. forward speed from 20 to 10.
- Reduced the max. reverse speed from 20 to 10.
- Reduced the engine power from 380 to 340.
- Increased the specific power from 16.55 to 17.00.
- Reduced the soil resistance from 1.4/1.5/2.6 to 0.8/0.9/1.6.
- Reduced the hull weight from 14,210 to 11,255.
- Reduced the tank weight from 22,955 to 20,000.
Stealth in siege mode:
- Reduced the stealth of a vehicle in motion after a shot from 3.26% to 3.09%.
- Reduced the stealth of a stationary vehicle after a shot from 5.44% to 5.16%.
Devs hope you enjoy these changes and discover the new potential and challenges of the Lätt Stridsfordon 120. Let us know what you think in the comments, and see you on the battlefield!