Changes for new vehicles in WoT Release Version 1.27
Two tanks are fully prepared for release. As predicted, one of them will be available after years of service. Details here.
The remaining tanks have had their performance characteristics adjusted for specific reasons. Pay special attention to the DZT-159, which has been adjusted for a reason and may become highly desirable in future events.
Chrysler MTC 2TC (USA, MT-8, Premium)
Changes relative to base version 1.26.1:
- The tank is completely ready for release.
- General:
- Tank price in gold: from 100 to 9,400
- Tank tags removed: “Secret” and “Tested”
XM57 (USA, TD-8, Premium)
Changes relative to the 2nd iteration of the general test 1.27:
- Firepower:
- Aiming time: from 3.07 to 2.88
- Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.43 to 0.41
- Dispersion on the move (max): from 0.28 (6.72) to 0.26 (6.24)
- Dispersion from chassis traverse (max): from 0.28 (6.42) to 0.26 (5.97)
Gabler’s Destroyer
(Great Britain, LT-5, Special Offer) Changes compared to base version 1.26.1:
- The tank is completely ready for release.
- General:
- Tank price in gold: from 100 to 1,450
- Tank tags removed: “Secret” and “Under Testing”
FV226 Contradictious
(Great Britain, HT-8, Premium, New Mechanics: Choosing a Firing Mode) Changes compared to the 2nd iteration of the general test 1.27:
- Firepower:
- Gun loading: from 11.51 to 10.55
- Gun rate of fire: from 5.21 to 5.69
- Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell: from 218 to 225
- Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell at 500m: from 198 to 204
- Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) shell: from 1,877 to 2,048
- Average damage per minute of 2 (AP) shells: from 1,877 to 2,048
Vz. 68 Squall
(Czechoslovakia, LT-8, Premium, Mechanics: Gun with Continuous Fire System) Changes relative to the 2nd iteration of the general test 1.27:
- Firepower:
- Dispersion on the move (max): from 0.12 (6.36) to 0.12 (6.60)
- Dispersion on chassis traverse (max): from 0.12 (5.01) to 0.12 (5.63)
- Mobility:
- Max. forward speed: from 53 to 55
- Engine power: from 525 to 570
- Specific power: from 25.00 to 27.14
- Chassis traverse speed: from 41.72 to 46.93
- Average damage per minute with 3 (HE) shells: from 2,295 to 2,503
(China, MT-9, Premium, Mechanics: Rocket Boosters) Changes relative to iteration 2 of the general test 1.27:
- Firepower:
- Gun loading: from 12.94 to 11.79
- Gun rate of fire: from 4.64 to 5.09
- Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.40 to 0.38
- Dispersion from chassis traverse (max): from 0.23 (8.40, 1.26 at acceleration) to 0.23 (9.60, 1.44 at acceleration)
- Dispersion from sight traverse (max): from 0.12 (2.75) to 0.12 (3.13)
- Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) shell: from 2,040 to 2,239
- Average damage per minute of 2 (CS) shells: from 2,040 to 2,239
- Average damage per minute with 3 (HE) shells: from 2,457 to 2,697
- Mobility:
- Engine power: from 580 (1,740 with acceleration) to 640 (1,728 with acceleration)
- Specific power: from 14.15 (42.44 with acceleration) to 15.61 (42.15 with acceleration)
- Horizontal sight translation speed: from 22.95 to 26.07
- Chassis traverse speed: from 36.51 (5.48 with acceleration) to 41.72 (6.26 with acceleration)
- Engine power multiplier during acceleration: from 3 to 2.7
(Italy, HT-9, Premium, Mechanics: Magazine with Additional Loading System for 4 Shells) Changes relative to iteration 2 of the general test 1.27:
- Firepower:
- Reload time for entire magazine: from 57.53 to 53.69
- Reload time for one shell: from 17.26 15.34 13.42 11.51 to 16.30 14.38 12.46 10.55
- Rate of fire: from 5.21 to 5.69
- Dispersion on the move (max): from 0.25 (10.00) to 0.25 (11.25)
- Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) shell: from 1,877 to 2,048
- Average damage per minute of 2 (CS) shells: from 1,877 to 2,048
- Average damage per minute of 3 (HE) shells: from 2,295 to 2,503
- Mobility:
- Max. forward speed: from 40 to 45

source- wotexpress eu