The following test vehicle has been added for players – supertesters:
- VK 75.01 (K) (HT-8, Germany, premium)
Schwarzpanzer 58 / Panzer 58 FL / Panzer 58 Mutz:
- Changed spread from 0.36 m to 0.34 m;
- View range increased from 380 m to 390 m;
- Pzgr 39/48 shell speed increased by 15%;
- Pzgr 40/48 (premium) shell speed increased by 18%;
- The speed of the Sprgr 48 missile has been increased by 15%;
- Penetration of the Sprgr 48 from 45 to 90 mm, increased;
- Changed damage Pzgr 39/48 from 240 to 250;
- Changed Pzgr 40/48 damage from 240 to 250;
- Changed Pzgr 48 damage from 320 to 330;
- The pool of hit points has been changed from 1 300 to 1 350.
Indien-Panzer (MT-8, Germany, standard):
- Movement scattering decreased for B-PS 102 suspension by 8%;
- The dispersion of operating guns for the Indien Panzer suspension has been reduced by 9%;
- The hull displacement for the suspension B-PS 102 was reduced by 8%;
- The hull displacement of the hull for the Indien-Panzer suspension was reduced by 9%;
- The dispersion of 9 cm Kanone guns on the Indien-Panzer tower has been reduced from 0.34 to 0.32 m;
- The aiming time has been shortened for 9 cm Kanone from 2.3 to 2.0 s;
- Pzgr 39/48 penetration increased for 9 cm Kanone gun from 212 to 218 mm;
- Increased penetration of the Sprgr 48 bullet for 9 cm Kanone from 45 to 90 mm;
- Changed damage Pzgr 39/48 for 9 cm Kanone from 240 to 250;
- Damage changed for Pzgr 40/48 shells (9 cm Kanone) from 240 to 250;
- Changed damage to the Sprgr 48 for 9 cm Kanone from 320 to 330.
Leopard 1 (MT-10, Germany, standard):
- The APDS-T M392 shell was replaced by a DM13 missile (APCR on APCR). Damage: 420, Penetration: 278 mm, shell speed: 1 480 m / s;
- HEP-T M393 shell was replaced with a DM 11 (HE on HE). Damage: 510, Penetration: 105 mm, shell speed: 1,173 m / s;
- The HEAT-T T384E4 shell was replaced by a DM 23 bullet (HEAT on APCR). Damage: 420, Penetration: 323 mm, shell speed: 1 613 m / s;
- Movement scatter has been reduced by 28%;
- The spread distribution of the hull was reduced by 28%;
- Suspension speed has been reduced from 54 to 48 ° / s,
- Decreased spread from 0.3 m to 0.278 m;
- The spread distribution of the turret was changed by 12%;
- The reload time has been extended from 8.7 to 9.3 s;
- The aiming time has been shortened from 1.9 to 1.7 s;
- The turret rotation speed increased from 36 to 40 ° / s;
- Maximum speed increased from 65 km / h to 70 km / h;
- The reversing speed has been reduced from 23 km / h to 20 km / h;
- The pool of hit points has changed from 1 950 to 1 850.
Leopard Prototype A (MT-9, Germany, standard):
- APDS-T M392 shell was replaced for 10.5 cm L7A1 gun with DM13 missile (APCR on APCR). Damage: 420, Penetration: 268 mm, shell speed: 1,380 m / s;
- HEP-T M393 was replaced for 10.5 cm L7A1 gun with DM 11 bullet (HE on HE). Damage: 510, Penetration: 105 mm, shell speed: 1,173 m / s;
- The HEAT-T T384E4 was replaced for 10.5 cm L7A1 gun with DM23 bullet (HEAT on APCR). Damage: 420, Penetration: 315 mm, projectile speed: 1 613 m / s;
- Movement scattering has been reduced for the Leopard Prototype A1 suspension by 10%;
- Movement scattering has been reduced for the Leopard Prototype A2 suspension by 11%;
- The dispersion of the Leopard Suspension Prototype A1 was reduced by 10% ;
- The hull displacement for the Leopard Prototype A2 suspension was reduced by 11%;
- The Leopard Prototype A1 suspension rotation speed has been reduced from 38 to 36 ° / s;
- The Leopard Prototype A2 suspension speed has been reduced from 42 to 40 ° / s;
- The scatter of 10.5 cm L7A1 works on the Porsche Standardpanzer tower decreased from 0.32 m to 0.31 m;
- The spread of 10.5 cm L7A1 guns on the Leopard Prototype A2 tower decreased from 0.36 m to 0.34 m;
- Decreased the spread of 10.5 cm L7A1 guns when the Porsche Standardpanzer turret was rotated by 29%;
- The spread of 10.5 cm L7A1 guns was reduced when the Leopard Prototype A2 was rotated by 50%;
- The reloading time of the 10.5 cm L7A1 cannon has been extended for the Porsche Standardpanzer tower from 10.3 s to 10.6 s;
- The reloading time of the 10.5 cm L7A1 gun for the Leopard Prototype A2 tower has been shortened from 13.0 s to 12.0 s;
- 10.5 cm L7A1 guns have been shortened for the Porsche Standardpanzer tower from 2.1 to 1.9 s;
- 10.5 cm L7A1 gun aiming time for the Leopard Prototype A2 tower decreased from 2.9 to 2.5 s;
- The Leopard Prototype A2 tower rotation speed decreased from 36 to 33 ° / s;
- The rotation speed of the Porsche Standardpanzer tower has been reduced from 37 to 35 ° / s;
- Penetration penetration Pzgr 39/48 increased for cannon 9 cm Kanone from 212 mm to 218 mm;
- Sprrow 48 bullet penetration increased for 9 cm Kanone guns from 45 mm to 90 mm;
- Changed damage Pzgr 39/48 9 cm Kanone from 240 to 250;
- Changed damage Pzgr 40/48 9 cm Kanone from 240 to 250;
- Changed damage to the Sprgr 484 bullet to operate 9 cm Kanone from 320 to 330;
- The reversing speed has been reduced from 23 km / h to 20 km / h;
- Engine power MTU MB 838 CaM 500 changed from 830 hp to 770 hp.
The following test vehicle has been added for players – supertesters:
- T-116 (LT-3, USSR, premium)
STA-1 (MT-8, Japan, standard):
- The motion spread of the STA-1 suspension has been reduced by 11%;
- Movement scattering decreased for STA-3 suspension by 12%;
- The hull displacement for the STA-1 suspension was reduced by 11%;
- The hull displacement for the STA-3 suspension was reduced by 12%;
- Scatter gun 90 mm guns have been increased on the STA-3 tower from 0.36 m to 0.38 m;
- Shortened reload time of 90 mm Gun guns for STA-3 turret from 7.7 seconds to 7.2 seconds;
- Shortened reload time of 90 mm Gun Type 61 guns for STA-3 turret from 7.5 s to 6.5 s;
- Gun Type 61 guns have been shortened for the STA-3 tower from 2,3 to 2,2 s;
- M318A1 projectile speed increased for 90 mm Gun Type 61 guns by 18%;
- The power of the Mitsubishi 12HM20WT engine has been changed from 570 hp to 650 hp.
STA-2 (MT-8, Japan, premium):
- M318A1 projectile speed increased by 34%;
- M71 missile speed increased by 16%;
- The Type 70 projectile speed was increased by 16%;
- Increased reversing speed from 20 km / h to 23 km / h;
- Engine power changed from 570 hp to 650 hp.
Type 61 (MT-9, Japan, standard):
- Movement scattering decreased for STA-4 suspension by 19%;
- Movement spread has been reduced for the Type 61 suspension by 29%;
- The hull displacement of the hull for the STA-4 suspension was reduced by 19%;
- The hull displacement for the Type 61 hull was reduced by 29%;
- STA-4 suspension rotation speed increased from 44 to 46 ° / s;
- The Type 61 suspension speed has been increased from 48 to 50 ° / s;
- Increased 105 mm Rifled Gun scatter on Type 61 with 0.36 m to 0.38 m;
- The 105 mm Rifled Gun’s scatter has been reduced with the Type 61 turnover by 21%;
- Reloading time of the 105mm Rifled Gun cannon has been reduced for the Type 61 tower from 10 to 8.2 s;
- 105 mm Rifled Gun aiming time for the Type 61 turret has been reduced from 2.3 to 2.1 s;
- The hull and turret armor has been improved;
- Missile L28A1 was replaced for 105mm Rifled Gun 105mmX MV (APCR on AP);
- M318A1 projectile speed increased for 90 mm Gun Type 61 guns by 18%;
- Decreased the speed of the Type 75 shell for a 105 mm Rifled Gun 105%;
- The M456 shell speed was reduced for a 105 mm Rifled Gun 105mm;
- The speed of the M392XB shell has been reduced for 105 mm Rifled Gun by 20%;
- Type 75 bullet damage has been changed for the 105 mm Rifled Gun, from 480 to 440;
- M456 shell damage for 105mm Rifled Gun works from 390 to 360;
- M392XB shell damage has been changed for 105mm Rifled Gun guns from 390 to 390;
- The maximum speed has been reduced from 47.6 km / h to 45 km / h;
- Increased reversing speed from 20 km / h to 23 km / h;
- The Mitsubishi 12HM20WT engine power has been changed from 570 hp to 650 hp;
- The power of the Mitsubishi 12HM21WT engine has been changed from 604 hp to 750 hp;
- The pool of hit points was changed with the STA-4 tower mounted from 1 600 to 1 720;
- The pool of hit points was changed with the Type 61 tower mounted from 1,700 to 1,750.

STB-1 (MT-10, Japan, standard):
- Hydropneumatic suspension added;
- Movement scatter was reduced by 44%;
- The spread distribution of the hull was reduced by 44%;
- Suspension speed has been increased from 52 to 55 ° / s,
- Increased spread from 0.36 to 0.37 m;
- Shortened reload time from 8 to 7.1 s;
- The aiming time decreased from 2.3 to 2.0 s;
- View range reduced from 410 to 400 m;
- The turret rotation speed increased from 42 to 46 ° / s;
- The turret armor has been improved;
- The L28A1 shell was replaced by a M392XB missile (APCR on AP);
- The speed of the M392XB shell was reduced by 20%;
- M392XB shell damage changed from 390 to 360;
- Inclination angles work upwardly reduced from +13 to +9 ° (+15 ° with active hydropneumatic suspension);
- Inclination angles operate downwardly reduced from -10 to -6 ° (-12 ° with active hydropneumatic suspension);
- The maximum speed has been reduced from 53 km / h to 50 km / h;
- Increased reversing speed from 20 km / h to 25 km / h;
- Engine power changed from 750 to 950 hp;
- The tank’s hit points pool has been changed from 1,950 to 2,000.
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