Major changes part 1
1.Correction of HP values of tanks.
Increased the HP of some machines of I-VI levels. Also, ammunition has been increased in some tanks. Increasing the HP of the tanks when moving from level to level becomes more uniform. For these vehicles, the comfort of the game against higher-level machines is increased, in battle the cost of error is reduced and the player’s machine lifetime is increased. Beginners have more time to understand the basics of the game.
2. Revision of machine research branches.
A new category of equipment has been added – collectible tanks, which usually consists of low-level vehicles. All research trees have been updated: vehicle branches have become simpler, clearer and more convenient. On the way to many X-level machines, low-level tanks have become noticeably smaller. 92 machines were removed from the branches, but NOT taken out of the game: they received collectible status and are available for purchase for credits in the in-game Store. For a more correct construction of branches, some machines have changed their level or type, and several new machines have been added.
3. Changes at the training ground.
– For passing the training ground a special medal is now awarded – “A worthy student ” It is issued to players who have learned all the lessons at the training ground. Pass the training ground.

– Improved interface elements.
– Added a new video after training
4. The physics of motion.
– Improved interaction of tank with some types of obstacles.
– For wheeled vehicles, when moving backward, the ability to turn the wheels harder when releasing the “Forward” button with the “Right” or “Left” keys pressed is added.
5. Other.
– For players who have not completed the training ground, the progress of its passage will be reset.
– The performance characteristics of the tank participating in the training ground now correspond to the performance characteristics of similar machines from the Research Tree.
6. Other changes.
– Added a new patch: “Worthy student”
* “Pass the training ground”.

– A new patch was added: “Front Line 2020: At the Front”
* * “Awarded for fourfold reaching the maximum level in the season of Front Line 2020”.

Principali modifiche parte 1
1 Correzione dei valori HP dei carri.
Aumentato l’HP di alcune macchine di livello I-VI. Inoltre, alcune munizioni sono state aumentate in alcuni carri armati. Aumentare l’HP dei carri quando si passa da un livello all’altro diventa più uniforme. Per questi veicoli, il comfort del gioco contro macchine di livello superiore è aumentato, in battaglia il costo dell’errore è ridotto e la durata della macchina del giocatore è aumentata. I principianti hanno più tempo per comprendere le basi del gioco.
2 Revisione delle linee dei carri
È stata aggiunta una nuova categoria di equipaggiamento: i carri armati da collezione, che di solito sono costituiti da veicoli di basso livello. Tutti gli alberi di ricerca sono stati aggiornati: i rami dei veicoli sono diventati più semplici, più chiari e più convenienti. Sulla strada per molte macchine di livello X, i carri armati di basso livello sono diventati notevolmente più piccoli. 92 macchine sono state rimosse dalle filiali, ma NON estratte dal gioco: hanno ottenuto lo stato da collezione e sono disponibili per l’acquisto per i crediti nel Negozio in-game. Per una costruzione più corretta dei rami, alcune macchine hanno cambiato il loro livello o tipo e sono state aggiunte diverse nuove macchine.
3 Cambiamenti nel campo di allenamento.
Per il superamento del campo di allenamento viene ora assegnata una medaglia speciale – “Uno studente degno” Viene assegnato ai giocatori che hanno imparato tutte le lezioni sul campo di allenamento. Passa il campo di allenamento.
- Elementi dell’interfaccia migliorati.
- Aggiunto un nuovo video dopo l’allenamento
4 La fisica del movimento.
- Migliore interazione del carro con alcuni tipi di ostacoli.
- Per i veicoli a ruote, quando si procede all’indietro, viene aggiunta la possibilità di girare le ruote più duramente quando si rilascia il pulsante “Avanti” con i tasti “Destra” o “Sinistra” premuti.
5. Altro
- Per i giocatori che non hanno completato il campo di allenamento, verrà ripristinato l’avanzamento del suo passaggio.
- Le caratteristiche prestazionali del serbatoio che partecipa al campo di allenamento ora corrispondono alle caratteristiche prestazionali di macchine simili dell’albero della ricerca.
6. Altre modifiche
- Aggiunta una nuova patch: “Studente degno”
- “Passa il campo di allenamento”.
- È stata aggiunta una nuova patch: “Front Line 2020: Al fronte”
- * “Premiato per quattro volte raggiungendo il livello massimo nella stagione di Front Line 2020”.
Added 12 new achievements in the collection technology:
“Senior Collector”
Have all existing collection equipment in the Hangar.
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: USSR”
To have all the collection equipment of the USSR in the Hangar.
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: Germany”
Have all the collection equipment of Germany in the Hangar .
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: USA”
Have all the collection equipment of the USA in the Hangar.
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: China”
Have all the collection equipment of China in the Hangar.
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: France”
Have all the collection equipment of France in the Hangar .
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: United Kingdom”
Have in the hangar all the collection equipment of the United Kingdom.
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: Japan”
Have all the collection equipment of Japan in the Hangar.
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: Czechoslovakia”
Have all the collection equipment of Czechoslovakia in the Hangar.
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: Sweden”
Have all the collection equipment of Sweden in the Hangar .
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: Poland”
Have all the collection equipment of Poland in the Hangar .
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

“Collector: Italy”
Have all the collection equipment of Italy in the Hangar .
Unexplored modules are not an obstacle.

– Added a new 2D style: “Very Composite Armor”

All-weather style, made according to the latest military engineering, capable of holding back almost any shell (as the technical documentation assures).
– Added a new 2D style: Songkran

All-season style, dedicated to the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. This holiday is celebrated on April 13-15, the main features of which are pouring water and showing respect to Buddhist priests.
– Added a new 2D style: “Hanami”

All-weather style, dedicated to the annual celebration of sakura blossom, which takes place in late March in Japan. Sakura flowers are considered the national symbol of the country, and the day of observing the flowering of these trees, as a rule, is declared a day off.
– Added a new 2D style: “Make it louder!”

All-season style, inspired by the music of the American group The Offspring, whose work from the first songs to this day charges with a positive, excellent mood and desire to win.
– Added a new 2D-style: “Victory Day”

All-weather style, dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. The point in the confrontation was the signing by the parties to the conflict of the act of unconditional surrender of Germany, which entered into force on May 8 (May 9, Moscow time) 1945.