Supertesters got 4 premium tanks: Object 268 variant 5, Kreslavsky’s KV-4, T71 CMCD, T-45. There will be many interface changes coming with 9.15, as Wargaming promised. These changes look like the ones from WoWs:
Supertesters hanno ottenuto 4 carri Premium: Obj 268 variante 5, Kreslavsky KV-4, T71 CMCD, T-45. Ci saranno molti cambiamenti nell’interfaccia con la 9.15, come promesso dalla Wargaming. Questi cambiamenti sembrano quelli presenti in WoWs:
There is a ping display now in the client. Upper left corner in garage:
Login screen:
Base capture timer and the number of capping players
A timer will flash up when there’s only 2 minutes of battle time left:
And there are some new stats displayed on tanks: camouflage coefficient during movement and while standing: