In the last wave of bans, which concerned exclusively clan members, a total of 6,217 people were banned. Of these, 1.239 were allegedly for account transfer and boosting. BUT, as it turned out, a decent number of accounts were banned for an alleged transfer that did not exist. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised.
Some of the players who got on this list just used VPN = flew to the ban.
* VPN (English: Virtual Private Network) is a generic name for technologies that allow one or more network connections (logical network) to be provided over another network (for example, the Internet).
These players really did not give his account to anyone, played from 1 computer for 10-12 hours a day, but received a ban, erroneous, allegedly for transferring an account, although they simply used a VPN on the computer.
In Russia, for example, many people use VPNs to bypass the blocking of various sites and services. Many players from other distant countries (not the CIS!) Play with VPN on the RU-cluster. As a result, such users flew to the ban illegally.
Now, when players filling out an application at the WG CPP, they have to wait a lot (more than a week), but players will not be banned anymore with a full refund of the earned Fame Points and awards (bonds, medals, styles, etc.) according to the place that the player would have taken before being banned from the Walk of Fame … Players also got compensation in the form of 7 days of premium.
source – wotexpress
Nell’ultima ondata di divieti, che riguardava esclusivamente i membri del clan, un totale di 6.217 persone furono bandite. Di questi, 1.239 erano presumibilmente per il trasferimento e il potenziamento dell’account. MA, come si è scoperto, un numero decente di account è stato bandito per un presunto trasferimento che non esisteva. Sì, sì, non essere sorpreso.
Alcuni giocatori che sono entrati in questo elenco hanno usato VPN = è volato al bando.
* VPN (inglese: rete privata virtuale) è un nome generico per tecnologie che consentono di fornire una o più connessioni di rete (rete logica) su un’altra rete (ad esempio Internet).
Questi giocatori in realtà non hanno dato il proprio account a nessuno, hanno giocato da 1 computer per 10-12 ore al giorno, ma hanno ricevuto un ban, errato, presumibilmente per il trasferimento di un account, sebbene abbiano semplicemente utilizzato una VPN sul computer .
In Russia, ad esempio, molte persone usano le VPN per aggirare il blocco di vari siti e servizi. Molti giocatori di altri paesi lontani (non la CSI!) Giocano con VPN nel cluster RU. Di conseguenza, tali utenti sono stati colpiti illegalmente dal divieto.
Ora, quando i giocatori compilano una domanda al CPP WG, devono aspettare molto (più di una settimana), ma i giocatori non saranno più bannati con un rimborso completo dei punti fama e dei premi guadagnati (obbligazioni, medaglie , stili, ecc.) in base al luogo che il giocatore avrebbe preso prima di essere bandito dalla Walk of Fame … I giocatori hanno anche ricevuto un risarcimento sotto forma di 7 giorni di premio.
No comment but one think when i buy the shark tank not be insure
And when I buy the gold need pay by (£pound) if can buy by Asia that’s good like Malaysia (RM)
Who cares, WOT is a joke now. These developers have destroyed it with WWE nonsense and cross play. The worst idea. No there is no stopping these cheaters with modified PC. There should be a Boycott of WOT!!
It’s disgusting whats going on. I can tell many people are not playing now because of this.
Your right Carlos, I’ve played wot since 2012 and it is total crap now. Every game is rigged 15 to 5 you either win or get steamrolled. Absolutely horrible now!!!!
Digital content is a scam people should not buy things they cannot hold physically and WOT sells tanks implying an edge of benefits owning them.. This isnt the case unless your team of 15 win. You guessed it people lose more matches with premium tanks.. So its really not worth spending money on individual tanks plus you cant touch them or show them off on your mantle. We are physical beings paying for things that dont exist. What if WOT just stopped working i think alot of people would wake up to this and stop wasting your hard earned money so people who do nothing get rich this is a globally played game millions of people have played there profits are astronomically rediculus. They have to be if people pay 50 to 100 dollars for one tank