World of Tanks – Battle Pass season XII: upgraded pass and additional missions
Full access
This bundle includes the Enhanced Pass for all three chapters, allowing to receive basic and enhanced rewards for each stage until the end of the season.
Rewards improved
Each stage of the Battle Pass has two kind of rewards: base rewards and enhanced rewards. The base rewards have plenty of free items. But the Enhanced Pass many interesting premium items.
After purchasing the Upgraded Pass, players will receive all upgraded rewards for all completed stages and they will also unlock improved rewards for completing subsequent stages.
Daily gold
Earn 250 gold for each day in Random Battles for the next 30 days, up to 7,500 in total. The bundle also includes an Enhanced Pass for all three Chapters of Season XII, which will give you both base and enhanced rewards for each Stage completed before the end of the current Season.
Kit contents
- Improved pass for 3 chapters of Season XII of the Battle Pass
- 1 daily gold mission
Gold mission
Available for 30 days after purchasing the set.
- Prize: 250 gold
- Objective: Play one battle
- Limitations: Only in random battles. Once a day
Special mission
Purchasing the Battle Pass Special Mission bundle will reward players with Bonds (up to 500), Battle Pass Points (up to 1,000), Hope the crew member, the 2D Premonition style, and a training manual for all countries. The mission chain will be available until the end of the season. This bundle doesn’t include the Enhanced Battle Pass.
Kit contents
Chain of missions with the following rewards:
- 1000 Battle Pass points
- 3 training booklets and 1 training manual
- 500 bonds
- 2D Style Premonition
- 1 Crew Member*: Hope with 0 Brothers in Arms perk and enough Crew XP to train 100% of the other two perks*You can choose her nation and qualification.
source – wot eu site
2D premonition style

World of Tanks – Battle Pass stagione XII: pass aggiornato e missioni aggiuntive
Accesso completo
Questo pacchetto include il Pass Avanzato per tutti e tre i capitoli, consentendo di ricevere premi base e migliorati per ogni fase fino alla fine della stagione.
Premi migliorati
Ogni fase del Battle Pass prevede due tipi di ricompense: ricompense base e ricompense migliorate. I premi base includono molti oggetti gratuiti. Ma il Pass Avanzato offre molti oggetti premium interessanti.
Dopo aver acquistato il Pass aggiornato, i giocatori riceveranno tutti i premi aggiornati per tutte le fasi completate e sbloccheranno anche premi migliorati per il completamento delle fasi successive.
Oro giornaliero
Guadagna 250 oro per ogni giorno in Battaglie Casuali per i prossimi 30 giorni, fino a 7.500 in totale. Il pacchetto include anche un Pass avanzato per tutti e tre i capitoli della Stagione XII, che ti darà sia ricompense base che migliorate per ogni fase completata prima della fine della stagione corrente.
Contenuto del kit
- Pass migliorato per 3 capitoli della Stagione XII del Battle Pass
- 1 missione d’oro giornaliera
Missione oro
Disponibile per 30 giorni dopo l’acquisto del set.
- Premio: 250 oro
- Obiettivo: gioca una battaglia
- Limitazioni: solo nelle battaglie casuali. Una volta al giorno
Missione speciale
L’acquisto del pacchetto Missioni speciali del Battle Pass ricompenserà i giocatori con Titoli (fino a 500), Punti Battle Pass (fino a 1.000), Hope il membro dell’equipaggio, lo stile Premonizione 2D e un manuale di addestramento per tutti i paesi. La catena di missioni sarà disponibile fino alla fine della stagione. Questo pacchetto non include il Battle Pass avanzato.
Contenuto del kit
Catena di missioni con i seguenti premi:
- 1000 punti Battle Pass
- 3 opuscoli di formazione e 1 manuale di formazione
- 500 obbligazioni
- Premonizione in stile 2D
- 1 membro dell’equipaggio*: speranza con 0 vantaggi Brothers in Arms e XP dell’equipaggio sufficienti per addestrare il 100% degli altri due vantaggi*Puoi scegliere la sua nazione e qualifica.
Available until the end of Battle Pass Season XII
Battle Pass: Special Mission #1
- 100 Battle Pass points
- 1 training booklet (20,000 Crew XP) for each country
- 50 bonds
- Win the battle
- Only in random battles.
- Once per account
Battle Pass: Special Mission #2
- 100 Battle Pass points
- 1 training booklet (20,000 Crew XP) for each country
- 50 bonds
- Earn at least 2,000 base XP in any number of battles.
- Only in random battles.
- Once per account
- Only available after completing the Battle Pass: Special Mission #1 mission
Battle Pass: Special Mission #3
- 100 Battle Pass points
- 1 training booklet (20,000 Crew XP) for each country
- 50 bonds
- Deal 10,000 HP of damage over any number of battles
- Only in random battles.
- Once per account
- Only available after completing the Battle Pass: Special Mission #2 mission
Battle Pass: Special Mission #4
- 300 Battle Pass points
- 1 Universal Manual (250,000 Crew XP)
- 150 bonds
- Destroy 10 enemy vehicles in any number of battles
- Only in random battles.
- Once per account
- Only available after completing the Battle Pass: Special Mission #3 mission
Battle Pass: Special Mission #5
- 1 Crew Member*: Hope with 0 Brothers in Arms perk and enough Crew XP to train 100% of the other two perks *You can choose her nation and qualification.
- 2D Style Premonition
- 400 Battle Pass points
- 1 Personal Training Manual (850,000 Crew XP)
- 200 bonds
- Play 20 battles
- Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned
- Only in random battles.
- Once per account
- Only available after completing Battle Pass: Special Mission #4