Black Market 2021 WOT – draining the preliminary list of lots and dates.
[IMPORTANT: This is unverified information, this insider meets us personally for the first time (this is not the one who leaked the 1st CR-2018). Keep this in mind and be skeptical and wary.] For a couple of days, such a preliminary list of lots for the WOT Black Market, which will take place in 2021, is walking in European closed communities and Discord groups. The source claims that right now WG is actively working on such a list and the work is not finished yet (!). BM 2021 will have to take place on approximately the same dates as the 2020 Black Market – i.e. this is February-March 2021. BUT, due to the whole situation in Europe and not only, but there is also a chance that the dates of the holding may shift slightly.
The following is a list of lots that according to an EU-insider will be in the Czech Republic-2021. BUT, as he explains, this is by no means a final list, this is a draft list (especially prices), which is now only being compiled and in the photo below is its version 2.
Black Market 2021 WOT – prosciugando l’elenco preliminare di lotti e date.
[IMPORTANTE: questa è un’informazione non verificata, questo insider ci incontra personalmente per la prima volta (questo non è quello che ha fatto trapelare il 1 ° CR-2018). Tienilo a mente e sii scettico e cauto.]
Per un paio di giorni, un elenco preliminare di lotti per il mercato nero WOT, che si svolgerà nel 2021, sta camminando nelle comunità chiuse europee e nei gruppi Discord. La fonte afferma che in questo momento WG sta lavorando attivamente su un tale elenco e il lavoro non è ancora finito (!). BM 2021 dovrà svolgersi all’incirca nelle stesse date del mercato nero del 2020, ovvero febbraio-marzo 2021. MA, a causa dell’intera situazione in Europa e non solo, esiste anche la possibilità che le date del la presa può spostarsi leggermente.
Di seguito è riportato un elenco di lotti che, secondo un insider dell’UE, saranno nella Repubblica Ceca-2021. MA, come spiega, questo non è affatto un elenco definitivo, questa è una bozza di listino (soprattutto i prezzi), che ora è solo in fase di compilazione e nella foto sotto c’è la sua versione 2.
First day.
1.M54 Renegade – 10,000,000 silver, 50,000 pieces
Second day.
1. Type 62 – 5,000 gold, 20,000 pieces
2. Object 703 Option II – minimum price 5,000 gold, 20,000 pieces. Auction
Third day.
1. 105 leFH18B2 – 500 gold, 10,000 pieces
2. TL-1 LPC – minimum price 5,000 gold, 30,000 pieces. Auction
Fourth day.
1. M4A1 FL 10 (NEW, France, MT-6, drum, premium) – minimum price 3,000 gold, 50,000 pieces. Auction
2. Object 274a (NEW, USSR, HT-8, prem) – 8,000 gold, 20,000 pieces
Fifth day.
1. IS-2M- the minimum price is 3,000 gold, 30,000 pieces. Auction
2. T78 – minimum price 2,000 gold, 20,000 pieces. Auction
Sixth day.
1. А-32 – 10,000 gold, 10,000 pieces
2. FV1066 Senlac – the minimum price of 3,000,000 silver, 30,000 pieces. Auction
Seventh day.
1. Strv 81 – minimum price 5,000 gold, 20,000 pieces. Auction
2. T-103 – 15,000,000 silver, 10,000 pieces
Last day.
1. Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque – minimum price 10,000 gold, 20,000 pieces. Auction
Thus it turns out:
• There are more lots that are sold for the first time.
• There are no sand tanks completely.
• Gold lots have NOT decreased.
• There are even more auctions in the Czech Republic (why?). In 2020 it was 7, in 2021 it turns out 8.

source – wotexpress