3D style “Carmen de bisonte” for 56TP premium.
“Chłopcy oceń ten / Polski styl w dziesięciostopniowej skali”
It turns out in an improved version of the pass add. Chapter 4 “The Song of the Bison” BP-11.
Carmen de bisonte
There is no beast more ferocious, and there is no one to overcome it by force. How violent he is, so careful and attentive. A powerful body is hidden behind a black casing, and it is not visible, but he himself smells and hears a person a mile away. But he will not touch a forester or a lost traveler without a reason.
The beast loves its flock, and protects its cubs day and night. The mother of a wild bull is not afraid of anyone. And if the brilliance of a spear or an arrow notices, then it will be bad for everyone who planned the hunt, and the catcher will flee.
The roar is heard throughout the forest, and the animals know its fury, and therefore they will not go out against it. He can measure his strength only with his equal, and if they fight for power over the herd, then in mortal combat.
Freedom is the most important thing for a savage, and he himself is a treasure of the region. People compose legends, sing songs about the giant and call the bull a bison, to match his power.
For all regions, drawn by WG.
Unhistorical. Group: Special. Those. price: 4000 gold for Lesta/3000 for WG. Maximum per account: 1. Tank only: 56TP. ID: 806.

source – wotexpress