This year, the United States celebrates the 247th anniversary of its Declaration of Independence.
+200% XP First Win Bonus running for the rest of the holiday weekend until 8:59 UTC on July 5th
Take a look below for details on the Freedom Fighter Earn Challenge and a wide array of sales. It all starts on Tuesday, July 4th
Challenge: Freedom Fighter
- FROM 04JUL 10 : 01 UTC TIME
- UNTIL 18 JUL 08 : 59 UTC TIME
Freedom Fighter is a two-week chained Earn Challenge that rewards you with Silver, Boosters, Consumables, and themed cosmetics as you make your way to the ultimate prize: a Premium World War II tank!
At the end of Freedom Fighter, players will be able to choose between the American Tier VIII T26E4 Freedom Medium Tank or the American Tier VIII Vengeance T25 Medium Tank as final reward.
Note: if player already own a tank that he chooses as reward, he will receive its value in Silver instead:
- T26E4 Freedom: 3,776,000 Silver
- Vengeance T25: 3,896,000 Silver

Complete the stages in Freedom Fighter by earning points as follows:
- Place as the top XP earner on your team in a battle: 3 points
- Place as the top 2nd – 5th XP earner on your team in a battle: 2 points
- Place as the top 6th – 10th XP earner on your team in a battle: 1 point
Additionally, players can earn bonus points by completing certain goals while playing American vehicles in either World War II or Cold War mode. Bonus points do stack with your basic Challenge points earned in a battle.
Quest’anno, gli Stati Uniti celebrano il 247° anniversario della loro Dichiarazione di Indipendenza.
Bonus di +200% XP per la prima vittoria valido per il resto del fine settimana festivo fino alle 8:59 UTC del 5 luglio
Date un’occhiata qui sotto per i dettagli sulla Freedom Fighter Earn Challenge e una vasta gamma di vendite. Tutto inizia martedì 4 luglio.
Sfida: Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter è una sfida di guadagno concatenata di due settimane che ti premia con argento, booster, materiali di consumo e cosmetici a tema mentre ti fai strada verso il premio finale: un carro armato Premium della seconda guerra mondiale!
Alla fine di Freedom Fighter, i giocatori potranno scegliere tra il carro medio Freedom T26E4 americano di livello VIII o il carro medio T25 americano di livello VIII Vengeance come finale ricompensa.
Nota: se il giocatore possiede già un carro armato che sceglie come ricompensa, riceverà invece il suo valore in Argento:
- Libertà T26E4: 3.776.000 d’argento
- Vendetta T25: 3.896.000 d’argento
Completa le fasi in Freedom Fighter guadagnando punti come segue:
- Posizionati come il più alto guadagno di XP nella tua squadra in una battaglia: 3 punti
- Posizionati tra il 2° e il 5° vincitore di XP della tua squadra in una battaglia: 2 punti
- Posizionati tra il 6° e il 10° vincitore di XP della tua squadra in una battaglia: 1 punto
Inoltre, i giocatori possono guadagnare punti bonus completando determinati obiettivi mentre giocano con veicoli americani in modalità Seconda Guerra Mondiale o Guerra Fredda. I punti bonus si accumulano con i tuoi punti Sfida di base guadagnati in una battaglia.

4th of July Sales
FROM 04 JUL 10 : 01 UTC TIME
In addition to Freedom Fighter, devs have one week of star-spangled sales and discounts for you.
- Save 30% on American vehicles! This includes Tech Tree AND select Premium vehicles in both World War II and Cold War (but excludes licensed vehicles, Premium vehicles currently available in bundles, and vehicles released within the past 12 months).
Then, if you want MORE tanks (or festive Skins for a couple of American favorites), you can grab the bundles below and save up to 50%!
All Premium vehicle bundles purchased from the Store come with their own Vehicle slot and a mix of standard and Premium ammo. If you want to send any of the bundles below as a gift, make sure that you and the receiver are friends on both your device and in the game.
- Main Battle Tank 70 Détente Era Western Alliance Heavy Tank
- Teledyne Continental Motors AGS Détente Era Western Alliance Light Tank
28,829 Gold
14,400 Gold
50% Savings
- T95E3 Post-War Era Western Alliance Medium Tank
- M50 Ontos Escalation Era Western Alliance Tank Destroyer
20,827 Gold
10,400 Gold
50% Savings
- American Tier VI Rover-237 Light Tank
- American Tier VII Lycan T71 Light Tank
- Randall Mohegan 2D Standard Commander
- American Tier VIII Falcon T92 Light Tank
16,950 Gold
8,500 Gold
50% Savings
- American Tier VIII M46 Patton KR Medium Tank
- American Tier VIII TL-1 LPC Medium Tank
- American Tier VII T26E3 Eagle 7 Medium Tank
23,951 Gold
11,900 Gold
50% Savings
- American Tier VIII Captured King Tiger Heavy Tank
- American Tier VIII T26E5 Heavy Tank
- American Tier VIII T54E2 Heavy Tank
34,818 Gold
17,400 Gold
50% Savings
source – wot console