NEW: Churchill Oke – Light It Up!
During World War II, Allied forces fielded a vehicle that served as the predecessor of the Churchill Crocodile flamethrower tank
The Oke flamethrowing tank was named after its designer, Major J.M. Oke. The design was basically for a Churchill tank fitted with the Ronson flamethrower equipment. A tank containing the flame fuel was fitted at the rear, with a pipe from it leading to the fixed angle mounting on the front hull to the left, leaving the hull machine gun unobstructed. There were three (named “Boar”, “Beetle” and “Bull”) present, in the first wave, at Dieppe which were quickly lost and abandoned.
This tank is in World of Tanks Modern Armor.
Gameplay Tips
- The first Premium flamethrower, which you can try out at Tier V
- Long-lasting and high-damage flames
- Fast-firing main gun with good penetration
Let’s get into the specifics.
Oke has a hull-mounted flamethrower as a secondary weapon, which means that it uses the Multiple Weapon System mechanic.
Oke has only vertical pitch aim. This means that to aim the Oke’s flamethrower left or right, you’ll need to turn and aim the tank’s chassis.
The flame gun is designed for close-range encounters: with a range of about 95 meters. Not in a good position to set the battlefield on fire? Switch to your quick-firing main weapon to support your team!

NOVITÀ: Churchill Oke – Accendilo!
Durante la seconda guerra mondiale, le forze alleate misero in campo un veicolo che fungeva da predecessore del carro armato lanciafiamme Churchill Crocodile
Il carro lanciafiamme Oke prende il nome dal suo progettista, il maggiore J.M. Oke. Il progetto era fondamentalmente per un carro armato Churchill dotato dell’equipaggiamento del lanciafiamme Ronson. Un serbatoio contenente il combustibile per la fiamma era montato nella parte posteriore, con un tubo che da esso portava al montaggio ad angolo fisso sullo scafo anteriore a sinistra, lasciando libera la mitragliatrice dello scafo. Ce n’erano tre (denominati “Cinghiale”, “Scarabeo” e “Toro”) presenti, nella prima ondata, a Dieppe che furono rapidamente persi e abbandonati.
Questo carro è in World of Tanks Modern Armor.
Suggerimenti di gioco
- Il primo lanciafiamme Premium, che puoi provare al livello V
- Fiamme di lunga durata e ad alto danno
- Cannone principale a fuoco rapido con buona penetrazione
Andiamo nello specifico.
Oke ha un lanciafiamme montato sullo scafo come arma secondaria, il che significa che utilizza la meccanica Multiple Weapon System .
Oke ha solo la mira a beccheggio verticale. Ciò significa che per puntare il lanciafiamme dell’Oke a sinistra o a destra, dovrai girare e mirare al telaio del carro armato.
Il lanciafiamme è progettato per gli incontri a distanza ravvicinata: con una portata di circa 95 metri. Non sei in una buona posizione per dare fuoco al campo di battaglia? Passa alla tua arma principale a fuoco rapido per sostenere la tua squadra!
Tank Characteristics: Churchill Oke
- Matchmaking: Plays up to Tier VII
- Silver Bonus: 40%
- Tank XP Bonus: 40%
- Hit Points: 900
- Engine Power: 350 hpr
- Power/Weight Ratio: 8.92
- Speed Limit: 25.7 km/h
- Reverse Speed: 14 km/h
- Hull Traverse Speed: 24 deg/sec
- Turret Traverse Speed: 36 deg/sec
- Gun Depression: 10 deg
- Gun Elevation: 20 deg
- View Range: 350 m
- Signal Range: 570 m
Primary Weapon QF-2 PDR MK.X-B
- Penetration: 121/145
- Damage: 55/55
- Aim Time: 1.7
- Accuracy: 0.36
- Rate of Fire: 37.5 rounds/min
- Reload Time: 1.6 sec
- Damage Per Minute: 2,063
- Max Ammo Capacity: 150 rounds
- Shell 1 Type/Speed: AP/1,341
- Shell 2 Type/Speed: APCR/1,341
Secondary Weapon ATO-200 Flamethrower:
- Penetration: 100mm
- Armor Damage: 14HP
- Module Damage: 7HP
- Aim Time: 1.60
- Accuracy: 0.38
- Rate of Fire: 426.04 rounds/min
- Reload Time: 5 sec
- Shots Per Clip: 120
- Intra-Clip Reload: 0.10 sec
- Damage Per Minute: 1,680
- Max Ammo Capacity: 1,100 rounds
- Shell 1 Type/Speed: FLAME/75
Churchill Oke Bundles
- FROM 15AUG 10 : 01UTC TIME
Get the Churchill Oke in three discounted, limited-time bundles on its release date. Two of them include Premium Time and Boosters along with your vehicle!
Churchill Oke base
- British Tier V Churchill Oke Heavy Tank
3,390 Gold
2,700 Gold
20% Savings
Churchill Oke loaded
- British Tier V Churchill Oke Heavy Tank
- Premium Time – 7 Days
- x4 Commander XP Booster (20)
- x3 Vehicle XP Booster (20)
8,700 Gold
6,050 Gold
30% Savings
Churchill Oke ultimate
- British Tier V Churchill Oke Heavy Tank
- Improved Ventilation
- Advanced Loader
- Traction System
- Premium Time – 7 Days
- x4 Commander XP Booster (20)
- x3 Vehicle XP Booster (20)
11,750 Gold
8,200 Gold
30% Savings
source – wot console site