World of Tanks Console: How to Progress Faster and Easier in Cold War Mode
World of Tanks Console is bringing you some exciting changes to Cold War mode, the game mode that we launched on April 27th, 2021. We are proud of how Cold War mode started and what it has become, but we always strive to improve it for everyone who plays World of Tanks Modern Armor.
We appreciate all of you who have played Cold War mode, whether you gave it a try or made it your favorite game mode. You have provided us with valuable feedback that has helped us make better decisions.
And today, we want to address one of the most important feedback that we have received:
Progressing through the Cold War Tech Trees is too slow: devs agree with you.
We have planned some amazing content for Cold War mode, including new Tech Tree lines, that we want you to enjoy as soon as possible and with ease. Moreover, we know that completing an entire vehicle line is one of the most thrilling goals that you can achieve.
Therefore, we are making the following changes in Cold War mode to speed up your progression, starting with the game update on Tuesday, January 30th:
Module costs will be reduced:
- 54% Less Silver (overall)
- 62% Less Vehicle XP (overall)
Vehicle costs will be reduced:
- 52% Less Silver (overall)
- 20% Less Vehicle XP (overall)
Earn rates will be adjusted for Premium and Tech Tree tanks:
- Base Silver rates will be lower, but still higher than World War II
- Base Vehicle XP rates will stay the same
- Cold War Co-Op earn rates will stay the same
- World War II earn rates and costs will stay the same
The end result:
you will be able to complete an entire Tech Tree line in Cold War mode by playing 25% fewer battles, and you will need millions less Vehicle XP and Silver.
Devs did not make these changes lightly, and they understand that you may have many questions.
Why are they making these changes? When they introduced Cold War mode to the game, devs thought of it as a late-game mode that would attract players who had already finished one or more Tech Trees in World War II. For those players, devs wanted to make Cold War mode a challenging but rewarding experience that would add more value to the game.
However, Cold War mode has changed. Now, new players can choose to start their battlefield journey in either Cold War or World War II mode.
Devs want to make sure that everyone, whether you are a new player or a veteran, has a smooth experience regardless of which game mode you like to play. That means that devs need to align module costs, tank progression, and earn rates in Cold War mode with those in World War II mode, so that the game experience can be balanced.

How did we get to these numbers?
Devs used data to guide their decisions and started by analyzing actual player data and comparing how long it took on average for players to unlock and purchase each tank in a Cold War line versus a World War II line.
For instance, devs compared data for the M1A2 Abrams line (a Western Alliance heavy tank line in Cold War) to data for the T110E5 line (a U.S. heavy tank line in World War II). They found out that the T110E5 line required much less Vehicle XP and Silver to complete:
- 28% less Vehicle XP
- 72% less Silver
And this meant that players could complete the T110E5 line much faster:
- 17% fewer days to complete the T110E5 line vs. the M1A2 Abrams line
- 34% fewer battles to complete the T110E5 line vs. the M1A2 Abrams line
In other words:
Progression through a World War II line has been quicker overall for the community. And devs want Cold War to be accessible at a similar pace.
Then, devs ran several simulations and tried different adjustments to Vehicle XP and Silver earn rates and costs to make them closer to what players experience in World War II. Once we had values that we thought would work, we tested them internally and measured how long it took to complete a Cold War Tech Tree line with updated costs in place.
And after initial tests, devs involved our Community Contributors so that they could get their essential feedback on the changes they were proposing.
Are those reductions in cost the same across every Era?
They are not! Devs noticed that the biggest roadblocks were in the Post-War Era (Era 1) and the bottom of Escalation Era (Era 2). These were the points in the Tech Tree progression where players had the highest XP and Silver costs.
That’s exactly where devs don’t want them to be, especially for new players who start their tanking careers in Cold War, or any players who are simply excited to start conquering a Tech Tree line.
So, you’ll see a much bigger reduction in Silver costs for tanks and modules in Post War and Escalation. Costs will also be lower in Détente (Era 3), but not as much as they are in the first two Eras.
These charts compare the current vehicle and module costs in Silver to the costs you’ll see after the January 30th update:
Vehicle XP for modules and tanks: a different story
You may have noticed in the T110E5 vs. M1A2 Abrams example that Vehicle XP requirements are not too different from World War II to Cold War.
Therefore, while devs will reduce the Vehicle XP needed to unlock tanks in Post War and Escalation significantly, they will not reduce the Détente Era XP costs for tanks (values shown include XP needed for modules): However, devs understand and agree with players who say that modules need to be unlocked earlier. As a result, devs will lower the XP needed to research modules across all three Eras significantly. This change will also go live on January 30th.

No Silver compensation for purchases before the changes
If you purchase Cold War tanks or modules now, you will not receive any Silver compensation for the difference in Silver after these changes go live on January 30th. We hope that you can use this information now to plan your Cold War progress accordingly and make the most of your Silver.
Silver earnings: a change for balance
Devs know that this is the part that may cause you the most concern and they assure you that they thought about this very carefully and discussed this with Community Contributors.
Going back to our T110E5 vs. M1A2 Abrams example, you can see that the difference in the Silver needed to purchase all the tanks in a Cold War line versus a World War II line is much greater than the difference in Vehicle XP needed between the two modes:
- 28% less Vehicle XP to complete the T110E5 line vs. the M1A2 Abrams line
- 72% less Silver to complete the T110E5 line vs. the M1A2 Abrams line
If devs truly want Cold War and World War II modes to feel integrated and part of the same game, then they need to adjust the Silver earn rates in Cold War mode to bring them closer to those of World War II and create a balanced economy. The change in Silver earn rates goes hand-in-hand with the changes to Silver costs in Cold War and will apply to all three Eras. On average, the base Silver earn rates across all Eras (before applying such factors as quest rewards, boosters, Premium Time, etc.) will be adjusted by -56%.
That being said, devs assure you:
Silver earn rates will still be higher in Cold War than in World War II. Cold War battles will still be profitable for Silver.
Exact Silver earn rates will always depend on a player’s performance in each battle. However, as examples, here are some simulated Silver earns that we ran using two different Post War tanks: a Premium tank, the T95E3, and a Tech Tree tank, again the M48A5PI Patton:
- Current average Silver earned per battle: 52,000 Silver
- Updated average Silver earned per battle: 36,000 Silver
M48A5PI Patton
- Current average Silver earned per battle: 29,000 Silver
- Updated average Silver earned per battle: 17,000 Silver
What happens next
These changes will go live in the game with the update scheduled for Tuesday, January 30th. Devs will keep an eye on player feedback and make adjustments if needed to enhance your gaming experience. They invite you to share your thoughts to their social media accounts, including our Discord server.
This is our ultimate goal: you will be able to complete an entire Tech Tree line in Cold War mode by playing 25% fewer battles, and you will need millions less Vehicle XP and Silver.
source – wot console site