Lead the charge with this light tank that’s based on a legendary American vehicle.
The combat doctrine of the M3A1 Bradley Escalation Era Western Alliance Light Tank is move and squeeze the trigger, using your fast-firing gun with your TOW missiles.
Gameplay Tips:
As a damage-focused light tank, the M3A1 Bradley is best used as an active scout, with your speed being suitable to get you into position. Time your reloads to make the most of this tank’s firepower, combining your fast gun with the ATGM launcher, can make you one of the best damage dealers in the game.
- Use your main gun to engage lighter-armored tanks.
- Deploy the TOW missiles on heavier targets.
- Combine reload and mobility-focused equipment with similar Commander skills.

Guida la carica con questo carro leggero basato su un leggendario veicolo americano.
La dottrina di combattimento del carro armato leggero M3A1 Bradley Escalation Era Western Alliance è muovere e premere il grilletto, usando la tua pistola a fuoco rapido con i tuoi missili TOW.
Suggerimenti di gioco:
In quanto carro leggero incentrato sui danni, l’M3A1 Bradley è utilizzato al meglio come esploratore attivo, con la tua velocità adeguata per portarti in posizione. Cronometra le tue ricariche per sfruttare al massimo la potenza di fuoco di questo carro armato, combinando il tuo cannone veloce con il lanciatore ATGM, può renderti uno dei migliori infliggi danni del gioco.
- Usa il tuo cannone principale per ingaggiare carri armati più leggeri.
- Dispiega i missili TOW su bersagli più pesanti.
- Combina la ricarica e l’equipaggiamento incentrato sulla mobilità con abilità di Capitano simili.
Tank Characteristics: M3A1 Bradley
- Matchmaking: Escalation (Era 2)
- Tank XP Bonus: 25%
- Silver Bonus: 50%
- Crew XP Bonus: 10%
- Hit Points: 2,300
- Engine Power: 500 hpr
- Power/weight ratio: 25.04
- Speed Limit: 61.2 km/h
- Reverse Speed: 28.9 km/h
- Hull Traverse Speed: 48 deg/sec
- Turret Traverse Speed: 60 deg/sec
- Gun Depression: 9 deg
- Gun Elevation: 59 deg
- Primary: 25 MM M242 Bushmaster
- Penetration: 150/65
- Damage: 30/50
- Aim Time: 2.1 sec
- Accuracy: 0.39
- Rate of Fire:
147.90118.89 rounds/min (Information updated on June 20th) - Reload Time: 31 sec
- Clip Size: 150
- Intra-Clip Reload: 0.30 sec
- Damage Per Minute:
4,4373,567 (Information updated on June 20th) - Max Ammo Capacity: 1,500 rounds
- Shell 1 Type/Speed: APFSDS/1,385
- Shell 2 Type/Speed: HE/1,100
- Secondary: Twin-Tube TOW Launcher
- Penetration: 630/800
- Damage: 1,100/1,100
- Aim Time: 1 sec
- Accuracy: 0.26
- Rate of Fire: 2.67 rounds/min
- Reload Time: 45 sec
- Clip Size:
42 (Information updated on June 20th) - Intra-Clip Reload:
1512 sec (Information updated on June 20th) - Damage Per Minute:
2,9372,321 (Information updated on June 20th) - Max Ammo Capacity: 24 rounds
- Shell 1 Type/Speed: ATGM/296
- Shell 2 Type/Speed: ATGM/329
- View Range: 520 m
- Signal Range: 690 m
M3A1 Bradley Bundles
- FROM 20 JUN 10 : 01 UTC TIME
- UNTIL 18 JUL 08 : 59 UTC TIME
Get the M3A1 Bradley in three limited-time and discounted bundles on its release date, with two of them including Premium Time, Commander XP, and Vehicle XP Boosters along with your tank!
Complete bundle details below!
Base bundle
- M3A1 Bradley Escalation Era Western Alliance Light Tank
9,600 Gold
25% Savings
Loaded bundle
- M3A1 Bradley Escalation Era Western Alliance Light Tank
- Premium Account Time – 7 Days
- x4 Commander XP Booster (20)
- x3 Vehicle XP Booster (20)
11,750 Gold
35% Savings
Ultimate bundle
- M3A1 Bradley Escalation Era Western Alliance Light Tank
- Advanced Optics
- Advanced Zoom
- Improved Ventilation
- Premium Account Time – 7 Days
- x4 Commander XP Booster (20)
- x3 Vehicle XP Booster (20)
13,750 Gold
35% Savings
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source – wot console