New mercenary contract: Bigtop
World of Tanks has introduced a new contract called “Bigtop”. This contract offers players the opportunity to earn a versatile Mercenary Tier VII Bigtop Medium Tank, along with a 2D Standard Commander. The contract is active from December 5th, 11:01 UTC until January 16th, 09:59 UTC.
Players can sign this contract and complete a series of tasks across eight stages to earn the tank and commander. Additional rewards, including Consumables, Silver, Boosters, and even Premium Time, are available at each stage.
The Bigtop medium tank is known for its good penetration and alpha damage values, as well as excellent gun depression and elevation. However, players should note that they can only have one contract active at a time and choosing a new contract will result in the loss of progress on the current one. Each tank’s contract can only be completed once, unless it was completed prior to December 2020.
Players also have the option to use Gold to skip certain stages. The buyout amounts for each stage are listed in the contract details. Buyouts for Bigtop will be available through January 22nd.
Upon completing the contract, if a player already owns Bigtop, they will receive its value in Silver (3,120,000 Silver) instead. The contract details are available in the “Contracts” tab in the game.
World of Tanks ha introdotto un nuovo contratto chiamato “Bigtop”. Questo contratto offre ai giocatori l’opportunità di ottenere un versatile carro armato medio Bigtop mercenario di livello VII, insieme a un comandante standard 2D. Il contratto è attivo dal 5 dicembre, 11:01 UTC fino al 16 gennaio, 09:59 UTC.
I giocatori possono firmare questo contratto e completare una serie di compiti in otto fasi per guadagnare il carro armato e il comandante. In ogni fase sono disponibili ricompense aggiuntive, inclusi materiali di consumo, argento, booster e persino tempo premium.
Il carro medio Bigtop è noto per i suoi buoni valori di penetrazione e danno per colpo, nonché per l’eccellente depressione ed elevazione del cannone. Tuttavia, i giocatori devono tenere presente che possono avere un solo contratto attivo alla volta e la scelta di un nuovo contratto comporterà la perdita dei progressi su quello attuale. Il contratto di ciascun carro può essere completato solo una volta, a meno che non sia stato completato prima di dicembre 2020.
I giocatori hanno anche la possibilità di utilizzare l’Oro per saltare determinate fasi. Gli importi di buyout per ciascuna fase sono elencati nei dettagli del contratto. I buyout per Bigtop saranno disponibili fino al 22 gennaio.
Dopo aver completato il contratto, se un giocatore possiede già Bigtop, riceverà invece il suo valore in Argento (3.120.000 Argento). I dettagli del contratto sono disponibili nella scheda “Contratti” del gioco.
All stages of the contract
- Stage 1: Win a battle and earn 2,400 or more XP in any number of battles. Rewards: Med Kit (2), Repair Kit (2), Fire Suppressor (2).
- Stage 2: Win a battle, place in the top 5 XP earners on your team in a battle, and earn 3,600 or more XP in any number of battles. Rewards: Med Kit (1), Repair Kit (1), Fire Suppressor (1), x1.25 Silver Booster (1), 8,200 Silver.
- Stage 3: Destroy 2 or more vehicles while the enemy is farther than 250 meters in any number of battles, destroy 5 or more vehicles in any number of battles, and earn 7,200 or more XP in any number of battles. Rewards: Med Kit (2), Repair Kit (2), x1.25 Silver Booster (2), x2 Vehicle XP Booster (1), 6,400 Silver.
- Stage 4: Destroy 4 or more vehicles in a battle, deal 14.000 or more damage in any number of battles, and earn 15,600 or more XP in any number of battles. Rewards: Enhanced Med Kit (1), Enhanced Repair Kit (1), Med Kit (1), Repair Kit (1), x1.5 Silver Booster (3), x2 Vehicle XP Booster (2), 1,600 Silver.
- Stage 5: Destroy 20 or more vehicles in a battle, deal damage equivalent to 1.5 times your maximum health or more in 4 battles, and earn 31,200 or more XP in any number of battles. Rewards: 3 premium days, Enhanced Med Kit (1), Enhanced Repair Kit (1), x1.5 Silver Booster (1), 4,800 Silver.
- Stage 6: Land 190 penetrating hits in any number of battles; earn 64,800 or more XP in any number of battles. Rewards: Enhanced Med Kit (2), Enhanced Repair Kit (2), Enhanced Fire Suppressor (2), 602,000 silver
- Stage 7: destroy 90 or more vehicles in any number of battles. Deal 123,000 or more damage in any number of battles. Earn 138,000 or more XP in any number of battles. Rewards: 1.530.000 silver
- Stage 8: earn 291,600 or more XP in any number of battles. Rewards: Bigtop tank and Lost Renegade 2D Standard Commander.
source – wot console eu