Reach the imposing but solid tier X AMX M4 mle. 54 . Make your way through this line of French heavy tanks with missions, offers, and discounts of up to 50% in the Top of the Tree event.
Smash your way through this branch in the Tech Tree from March 20, 06:00 CET (UTC + 1) to April 20, 07:00 CEST (UTC + 2) and take advantage of great discounts and missions on your way to the top. Don’t forget that you can also purchase an additional boost in the Premium Shop or in-game for Gold if you want to speed up your progress!
Discounts per branch
Available from March 20, 06:00 CET (UTC + 1) to April 20, 07:00 CEST (UTC + 2)
Missions up to Tier X
Available from March 20, 06:00 CET (UTC + 1) to April 20, 07:00 CEST (UTC + 2)
- 2x Crew XP
- Play a battle.
- Be in the top seven of your team by base experience earned.
- Only in Random Battles and Fortress Battles
- This mission is only available for the vehicles that this offer applies to.
Destructive Strike
- 6500 XP
- 1x Personal Reserve: + 50% XP for 1 hour
- Assist in dealing 20,000 HP of damage by spotting any number of battles
- 10 times per account.
- Only on the following vehicles: tier 6/10
- The XP earned will be assigned to the vehicle with which you completed the mission.
Crew Experience Points
- 20,000 XP
- Assist in dealing 200,000 HP of damage by spotting any number of battles
- Only once per account.
- Only on the following vehicles: tier 6/10
- The XP earned will be assigned to the vehicle with which you completed the mission.
AMX M4 mle. 54
- 1x Large repair kit
- 1x Large First Aid Kit
- 1x Automatic fire extinguisher
- 1x Personal Reserve: + 300% Crew XP for one hour
- Play 5 battles.
- Be in the top ten players on your team by base experience earned.
source – wot eu