Exclusive Daily Offers Await
Discover what true exclusivity means at the Elite Sale! Unlock daily premium offers and claim free Elite Tickets every day. Purchase additional tickets with gold to get even more unique rewards. Daily Offers are available for Gold and Credits, but the real treasures are hidden in exclusive bundles that can be opened with Elite Tickets, which can be held until the end of the event!
Daily Offers:
- Start: November 11, 12:00 to November 16, 12:00 (UTC+3)
- Expire: November 18, 2024, 12:00 (UTC+3)
How It Works: Open Exclusive Offers Daily
The Elite Sale spans four days of luxurious in-game offers, allowing players to spend Gold and Credits on premium bundles, including high-tier vehicles.
- Daily Offers: Five fresh offers will be available each day: four for Gold and one for Credits. Offers refresh every 24 hours and can include vehicles, 3D styles, training materials, days of Tank Premium Account, and much more.
- Elite Tickets: You can get Elite Tickets for free every day or purchase them for 250 each to unlock additional offers. There are up to 40 paid tickets available with a limit of 8 per day, plus 5 free ones. With each purchased ticket, you will receive a day of Tank Premium Account.
- Offer for You: Up to 50% Discount Use Elite Tickets to unlock exclusive offers available in the “Your Offers” section of the in-game Store until November 18. During the event, you can save up to 50% on selected bundles!
Exclusive Offers with Elite Tickets
Use Elite Tickets to unlock exclusive bundles that are not included in daily offers. Each ticket unlocks a surprise offer, randomly selected especially for you! Offers include:
- Rare premium vehicles (some with 3D styles)
- Accelerated progress (Tank Premium Account days, personal reserves, training materials)
- 3D styles (unique customization elements for your vehicles)
More Elite Tickets for Gold
Get more rewards by purchasing additional Elite Tickets for Gold! Each ticket unlocks exclusive offers and adds one day of Tank Premium Account. The more tickets you collect, the higher your chances of unlocking rare vehicles, 3D styles, and other exclusive rewards.