The King Tiger (captured) is a Tiger II (H) tank [TT-7, Germany, Prem] and, like T-44-100 (P), it will be rented every month for Twitch Prime subscribers. At the end of the contract between Wargaming and Amazon (if it is not renewed), it will have to be given to you forever. Although, in fact, it is not known what is written in the contract between 2 large companies.
You can get, for the first time, the (captured) tank King Tiger in the 5th of June package “Echo” (Echo) of Twitch premium. This Tiger II (H) came to the test and was a very strong tank. But during testing, it was nerfed a couple of times:
The King Tiger (catturato) è un carro armato Tiger II (H) [TT-7, Germany, Prem] e, come T-44-100 (P), sarà affittato ogni mese per gli abbonati di Twitch Prime. Alla fine del contratto tra Wargaming e Amazon (se non è rinnovato), dovrà essere dato a voi per sempre. Anche se, in effetti, non è noto ciò che è scritto nel contratto tra le 2 grandi aziende. Puoi ottenere, per la prima volta, il carro armato King Tiger “catturato” nel pacchetto “Echo” (Eco) del 5 ° mese di Twitch premium del 5 giugno. Questo Tiger II (H) è arrivato al test ed è stato un carro armato molto forte. Ma durante i test, è stato nerfato un paio di volte:
Here is a complete list of changes:
– Changed the description of the tank
– Changed the name of the gun with 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43 L / 71 to 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43
– Cost in gold from 100 to 7.500
– Total number of shells from 72 to 70
– Reload time from 7.863 to 8.151
– Damage per minute from 1831.4 to 1766.7
– Rate of fire from 7.631 to 7.361
– Aiming time from 1.92 to 2.4
– Turn Speed of tower from 24 to 20.9
– Turn Speed of chassis from 26 to 22
– The price of the shell from 252 to 350 (AP)
– The overall strength of the tank (HP) from 1400 to 1300
– Resistance to running on solid ground from 0.959 to 0.863
– Resistance to running middle ground from 1.151 to 0.959
– Road resistance on soft soils from 2.205 to 1.822
– Camouflage value with a stationary tank from 7.5% to 9.3%
– Camouflage value in motion from 3.8% to 4.6%
– Camouflage value with a stationary tank during shooting from 1.69% to 2.09%
– Camouflage value with a stationary tank during shooting from 0.86% to 1.04%
– Spread during the rotation of the tower from 0.115 by 0.134
– Spread during the motion of tank from 0.192 to 0.221
– Spread during the turning of tank from 0.192 to 0.221
– Spread during the turning of the tower from 2.65 to 2.68
– Spread during the motion of the tank at max. speed from 7.29 to 8.38
– Spread during the turning of tank at max. speeds from 4.99 to 4.85

Continuing on the 5th set of “Echo” (Echo) from Twitch Prime:
– New 3D-style for Twitch Prime subscribers on the Twitch website. It goes exclusively to the exclusive tank of this platform: King Tiger (captured) [ USA, TT-7, Prem].
3D-style “Captured Tiger” (King Tiger) – The tank belonged to the 2nd company of the 506th battalion of heavy tanks (2. Kompanie schwere Panzer Abteilung 506) and was hit in November 1944 in the Aachen region. It was captured by American troops, and then restored by the 129th technical support battalion of the 7th Armored Division (129th Armored Ordnance Maintenance Battalion 7th Armored Division). The fate of the tank is unknown. Album with photos:
Completely historical.Price:1.500 gold. Only for tank: King Tiger (captured) |