For the column ghost tanks, mmowg offers you an interesting fake leak. For a few hours, an artfully constructed screenshot of the introduction of premium Soviet tankers went around the net. They will not be introduced in 8.11, but on a date to be decided. One of these tanks will be the ZiS-30 (in English from wikipedia)
The ZiS-30 was a light self-propelled anti-tank gun built for the Soviet Red Army in 1941. It was based on the Komsomolets armored artillery tractor. They were successful vehicles, but production was limited by the number of Komsomolets tractors still in use. The ZiS-30 was one of the few hastily-designed armored fighting vehicles Soviet industry shortly after the German invasion of 1941. In August 1941 Grabin’s design bureau at the Gorky plant no. 92 mounted the 57 mm ZiS-2 gun onto the chassis of a Komsomolets artillery tractor. There were problems with the chassis and gun.
This tank destroyer was the first response to the invasion of Germany (operation Barbarossa). Russia immediately needed a vehicle that could handle the German tanks. Among the various projects, all developed in 15 days, the one proposed by the Gorky num. 92, a vehicle that mounted a 57mm ZiS-2 on a T-20 Komsomolec, a military tractor used for different purposes (support car), but at that time already obsolete and out of production. The existing means were confiscated, which were adapted as best they could: the cannon was mounted behind, protected by a thin plate that barely protected the gunner and servant. The rest of the tankers remained unprotected. The swing was also very limited and the ammunition hold was so small that it required the support of a second vehicle. There were practically no prototypes, the vehicles were immediately sent to the front. We also thought of versions with 45mm and 76.2mm, but without being produced due to the lack of available T-20s. 101 vehicles were built until October 1941 with positive results.
And in game? In game we expect a fast premium tank, with good rate, limited swing, without armor protection and good camo. From the screenshot, it can be deduced that it could / should occupy the tier II/III.
Weight: 4 tons
Crew: 4-5
Armor: 7-10mm
Gun: 57mm ZIS-2
Engine: 50hp V6 GAZ-AA
Maximum speed: 60 km / h
Per la rubrica carri fantasma, mmowg vi propone un interessante leak fasullo. Per qualche ora è andato in giro nella rete uno screenshot costruito ad arte che mostrava l’introduzione di cacciacarri sovietici premium. Non verranno introdotti nella 8.11, ma in data da destinarsi. Uno di questi carri sarà lo ZiS-30 (in inglese da wikipedia)
Questo cacciacarri fu la prima risposta all’invasione della Germania (operazione Barbarossa). La Russia necessitava immediatamente di un mezzo che potesse far fronte ai corazzati tedeschi. Fra i diversi progetti , tutti sviluppati in 15 giorni, prevalse quello proposto dalla fabrica Gorky num. 92, un mezzo che montasse un 57mm ZiS-2 su un T-20 Komsomolec, un trattore militare usato per diversi scopi (carro d’appoggio), ma all’epoca già obsoleto e fuori produzione. Si procedette alla confisca dei mezzi esistenti, che vennero riadattati alla meglio: il cannone fu montato dietro, protetto da una sottile piastra che a stento proteggeva cannoniere e servente. Il resto dei carristi rimaneva senza protezione. Anche il brandeggio era limitatissimo e la stiva munizioni era tanto poco capiente da necessitare l’appoggio di un secondo veicolo. Praticamente non si ebbero prototipi, i mezzi vennero subito inviati al fronte. Si pensò anche a versioni con 45mm e 76,2mm, ma senza che venissero prodotti per mancanza di T-20 disponibili. Vennero costruiti 101 veicoli fino all’ottobre del 1941 con risultati che vennero definiti positivi.
E in gioco? In gioco aspettiamoci un carro premium veloce, con buon rateo, brandeggio limitato, senza difese e buona camo. Dallo screenshot si deduce che potrebbe/dovrebbe occupare il tier II.
Weight: 4 tons
Crew: 4-5
Armor: 7-10mm
Gun: 57mm ZIS-2
Engine: 50hp V6 GAZ-AA
Maximum speed: 60 km/h