Merit event is coming soon and there are no olds left in the game (RU)…
Long Service Memory 2D Style 2022. The style will be given away in all regions as part of the Deserved Reward 2022.
Flashback – An all-season style featuring iconic locations in the game.
Add. description: after the next battle, the map becomes a little clearer. After several dozen battles, she ceases to be a stranger. And having spent hundreds of battles in one location, it is impossible not to notice that some of its features have already become familiar. And over time, each commander has a favorite position, an inconspicuous, but “own” bush, and even music that cannot be confused with any other.
Unhistorical. Suitable for vehicles of any nation and level. You can apply large/stage decals. Group: Special. Those. price: 1750 gold. ID: 679.

source – wotexpress