3D style “Kampfgruppe Sandsturm” on a regular Tiger I. In 3D style there is a basket with eggs
Kampfgruppe Sandsturm – “The greatest injustice. We are better than the British in everythingin almost everything. Our tanks have the best guns, engines, security, crew training. We are head and shoulders above them. What they call tanks is no match for us, but victory will be theirs, no matter how sad it is to admit. British tanks have something that wipes all our advantages into dust. The British tanks have something that in the current situation puts a bold cross on the entire war machine of great Germany in North Africa. British tanks have fuel.”
For all regions, drawn by WG.
Unhistorical. Group: Special. Those. price: 3000 gold. Maximum per account: 1. Tank only: Tiger I. ID: 750.

source – wotexpress