Super Conqueror nerf
and more frequent vehicle rebalances.
It seems that WG wants to switch to a new paradigm of changes in tanks, namely: more frequent rebalances in the performance characteristics of vehicles. Thus, the developers want to see a relatively frequent meta change in the game in 2023-2025. As the closest example: Dota 2.
“We are considering changing almost ALL tanks in the game. As mentioned earlier, balance changes will occur more frequently. Super Conqueror is currently probably the best lvl 10 HT in the game, so its potential nerf shouldn’t surprise anyone.”
– Wargaming.
In conclusion: you can say goodbye to Super Conqueror…

nerf premium thanks…. how you think make money with such scams of players who paid for good tanks and now they become garbage
Fu.king WG…i will be suprised if you do something good for the game… shud nerf EBR…not Conqueror.
Was farming S.Comq. last night for 2 to 4h in cl.battles and to ne honest if I havent stumbled on this info I wouldn’t cross my mind bor feal anything different. Pozz od Guna Artiste, Ćevap! 😀