World of Tanks Developer Q&A: SerB’s Answers
World of Tanks (WoT) is a popular online multiplayer game that features realistic tank battles. The game is constantly updated and improved by the developers, who also interact with the players and answer their questions. In this article, we will share some of the most interesting and informative answers from SerB, one of the lead developers of WoT, who often responds to the players’ queries on the official forum.
How the Automatic Server Selection Works
One of the questions that players frequently ask is how the automatic server selection works when they log in to the game. SerB explains that the algorithm chooses the best server for the player based on the ping, which is the measure of the connection speed. However, if the best server is overloaded, meaning that it has too many players or a queue, the algorithm moves the player to the next best server, ping-wise. This way, the player can enjoy the game without experiencing lags or delays.
Why the Object 430 and Object 430 II Won’t Be Switched
Another question that players often wonder is why the developers do not switch the tier 9 Object 430 II and the tier 10 Object 430, since the latter is older and less advanced than the former. SerB states that there are no plans to switch these two tanks, because they are quite different from each other. He adds that the Object 430 will not get the 122mm D-25T gun, which is mounted on the Object 430U, another tier 10 tank. He says that these two tanks were not the same in reality, and they will not be the same in the game.
How to Avoid Giving Away Your Position with 150mm Guns
Some players might have noticed that using 150mm (or 152mm) guns can make them lose too much camouflage, which means that they become more visible to the enemy when they fire. SerB’s advice for this problem is simple: don’t play with 150mm guns. He implies that there will be no buffs or changes for these guns, and that players should choose other guns or tanks if they want to remain stealthy.
How the Developers Respond to Polls and Petitions
Some players might think that creating polls or petitions can influence the developers’ decisions or make them do something that the players want. SerB says that this is not the case, and that no amount of signatures will make Wargaming do something that they do not want to do. He jokes that the only way to have a “game democracy” in WoT is to get visited by American bombers, which is a reference to the historical events of World War II.
Why Tanks Won’t Move with One Destroyed Track
Some players might have heard that Storm, another developer of WoT, mentioned that there might be a possibility for tanks to move with one destroyed track in the future, because this is realistic. SerB says that this will not happen anytime soon, and that the destruction of a roadwheel is already modelled by a detrack in the game. He suggests that players should get the hint, meaning that they should not expect this feature to be implemented.
Why Tanks Won’t Be Historically Accurate in Historical Battles
Some players might ask whether the technical characteristics and guns of tanks will be brought to match their real life counterparts in the game in historical battles, which are a special mode that recreates historical scenarios. SerB says that this will not happen, and that tanks in historical battles will be just like in random battles, including crews with perks. The only difference will be their module configuration, which will be fixed according to the historical period. He also makes a sarcastic remark that there will be no burning gasoline gushing from the screen, which is a reference to the fact that some tanks in reality had gasoline engines that could catch fire easily.
What’s New in the Upcoming Updates
Some players might be curious about what’s new in the upcoming updates of WoT, and what changes or features they can expect. SerB reveals some of the information about the future updates, such as:
- The rebalance of the T110E3 and T110E4, which are two American tank destroyers, in the 8.11 update. He says that this is connected with the “general TD rebalance”, which means that other tank destroyers might also be changed or adjusted.
- The confirmation of the national battles, which are a mode in random battles that allows players to fight only with tanks of the same nation. He says that this mode was developed to make the game more interesting and challenging, and that players will have to win by using the strong sides of their nation, while compensating for the weaknesses.
- The statement that historical battles will not have “mirror” matchmaking, which means that the teams will not have the same tanks or the same number of tanks. He gives an example of a historical battle where one team has 15 T-34 tanks, while the other team has 3 Tiger tanks and 12 Panzer IV tanks.
Source: FTR WoT News