Unveiling the Future of Onslaught Mode
It’s clear that the developers have a strong commitment to Onslaught! In fact, they’re not just creators but also active participants, engaging in the mode and even competing amongst themselves, irrespective of player feedback.
As Onslaught gears up for its next launch, significant changes are on the horizon:
- Battles will be exclusively fought using Tier 8 vehicles;
- The season’s duration will see a reduction;
- Despite these changes, rewards will maintain their current status.
This upcoming phase won’t be a typical season, but rather a trial run, as per internal discussions.
Should this “trial run” prove successful, we might see the seasons evolve into a more permanent structure, similar to what was implemented with Frontline. This would mean shorter seasons with minor or no changes from the previous launch. However, these are merely preliminary considerations for the mode’s future development.
Consequently, the current setup may largely remain intact, with only minor tweaks, if the “trial run” doesn’t resonate with the players.
Lastly, anticipate the arrival of a new tank for Onslaught, but not before 2025.
source – wotexpress eu