Sky Steed (Azure) customizable 2D style for the competitive Onslaught mode. [Autumn 2023]
Styling has been worked on this time, the last two grades of Pegasus (white and lilac) look really good, not like last time (wild reuse).
The third custom 2D style that has a 6 step progression type. When customizing, you can choose any stage of camouflage (given for ranks) and put on any emblem from those earned during the event.
Sky Steed (Azure) is an all-season style that can be unlocked and earned in Onslaught.
“After the fall of the Gorgon Medusa, Pegasus arose from the impenetrable darkness – a beautiful white horse with huge snow-white wings. He was immortal, moved faster than the wind, knocked out water sources with powerful hooves, and not a single bird could fly higher than him.
Only Bellerophon was able to tame the winged horse. Together they fought powerful creatures, raced through thunderclouds and accomplished many feats, until one day the fearless hero decided to ride Pegasus over the very bulk of Olympus.
Zeus, discouraged by such audacity, did not hide his anger and threw both of them to the ground, but later returned the flying horse to the sacred mountain and instructed to be his assistant: to spread thunder and lightning. In the end, Pegasus turned into a constellation, having received two bright stars for courage and devotion – Enif and Markab.
This is a custom style. Those. some pre-set style elements can be changed.
From the style settings, you can choose from: camouflage (6 pcs.), Emblem (15 pcs.) And inscription (8 pcs.). You can get camouflages by moving up the ranks, and decals for completing different KBs in the mode.
Available elements
15982 – Iron (Default)
15983 – Bronze
15984 – Silver
15985 – Gold
15986 – Champion 15987
– Emblem
15954 – Devastating Damage 1
15955 – Devastating Damage 2
15956 – Devastating Damage 3 15957
– Exhibition Performance 1
15958 – Demonstration performance 2
15959 – Demonstration performance 3
15960 – Going to circle 1
15961 – Going to circle 2
15962 – Going to circle 3
15963 – Tactical advantage 1
15964 – Tactical advantage 2
15965 – Tactical advantage 3
15966 – See you soon 1
15967 – See you soon 2
15968 – See you soon 3
15969 – Double Threat
15970 – Sudden Strike!
15971 – The Magnificent Seven
15972 – The Last Hero
15973 – Savvy
15974 – 7×7
15975 – RAMPAGE!!!
15976 – Blitzkrieg
Drawn by WG.
Unhistorical. Group: Special. Suitable for vehicles of any nation and level. Price: 1200 gold. ID: 836.