2D style “Your cows are ours!” for 43 sets of Prime Gaming WOT (April).
A unique, themed style associated with the event.
Your cows are ours!
“Look, I don’t understand them. Highly developed extraterrestrial civilizationcatches a signal from Voyager, listens to Stravinsky, or whoever won them over with his talent, decides to visit us … And suddenly, the most interesting thing they could find was cattle? They didn’t say a word, they didn’t utter a sound, they just took and dragged all the cows away. Guys, you have a whole planet in front of you with all its species diversity, and you are depriving me of my roast beef?! Superintelligent freaks they are, that’s who!
For all regions except RU.
Unhistorical. Suitable for vehicles of any nation and level. Group: Special. Those. price: 1750 gold. ID: 776.

source – wotexpress