Object 156 O (USSR, SAU-8, premium, mechanics: flamethrower) entered the General Test 1.20.1 RU today.
Short name: Ob. 156
Machine (SAU) is a melee artillery.
The new flamethrower mechanic fires a canopy and consumes a new ammo type: Flamethrower Mix. Some parameters of the mechanics, although they seem new, are in fact modified old ones, from high-explosive shells. The tank has a full-fledged artillery sight, which shows the range of the Flamethrower jet with a canopy. At the moment, this self-propelled gun gives out very little damage, but constantly keeps the enemy in the camp, which will be very annoying, like conventional artillery is now. Characteristics and appearance in front of you.
This is the second tank completely made by Lesta and it, together with the mechanics, is an RU exclusive.
Performance characteristics affected by the flamethrower:
New parameters:
•Flame throwing range: 150 Firepower:
• Reload of the entire drum: 19.58
• Reload between shells: 4.00 (0.17 in queue)
• Number of shells in the drum: 30 ( 10 per press)
• Armor penetration of the projectile’s OS: 85
• Muzzle velocity of the projectile’s OS: 80
• Damage of the projectile’s OS: 40
• Average damage per minute of the projectile’s OS: 2,244
• Damage to the projectile’s OS modules: 40
• Disorientation time (stun): 15
* Historical background:
Soviet experimental flamethrower based on the promising Uralvagonzavod chassis. The project began to be developed at the Leningrad VNII-100 in 1956, but at the same time, the requirements for the flamethrowing range for vehicles that did not have artillery weapons increased – the effective destruction distance was more than 250 meters. The project could no longer meet the new requirements and was curtailed in favor of more promising machines.
Crew of 3 people: Commander (Radio Operator, Loader); Gunner (Loader); Driver mechanic.
Role in battle: [NEW] SPG flamethrower. Special category Equipment: Firepower.

source – wotexpress