WZ-113-II is on sale for the first time and on RU servers (Mir Tanki) and it’s possibile we will see this premium tank soon on EU/NA. What is this new Chinese tier 8 premium heavy tank?
WZ-113-II – Protection, Mobility and Stabilization
WZ-113-II has 120 mm in the front of the hull and 240 mm in the turret with “proprietary” Chinese (or Soviet) rational bouncing angles. With them, all-round protection becomes even more impressive. WZ-113-II in addition received a decent speed – 48 km/h and good stabilization will help players to remain as efficient as possible even at speed.
WZ-113-II – Tank performance characteristics
The characteristics are indicated for a vehicle with a 100% trained crew, excluding the commander’s bonus . Some characteristics can be improved with the help of a commander bonus, crew skills and abilities, as well as special in-game items.

WZ-113-II – gallery

source – wot ru