ST 62 variant 2 – the first LT with reloading shells.
ST-62 variant 2 (USSR, LT-9, premium, magazine for 3 rounds with reverse reloading) was released yesterday afternoon for testing on the WoT supertest. Reloading mechanics like the IS-3 with MOH. This will already be the 4th such tank in the game with similar mechanics. TTX and appearance in front of you.
The premium status of the tank may be temporary and will change by the release.
The tank has mechanics: a cartridge with reverse reloading.
– If you forgot what it is, we will remind you. The shell that reloads first will have the fastest reload, and subsequent ones will take longer to reload. For maximum DPM, the entire first loaded magazine is first fired, and then only the first loaded projectile must be fired.
Features and appearance as always in front of you. Why and how is unknown.
ST 62 variante 2 – il primo LT con proiettili ricaricabili.
La variante 2 dell’ST-62 (URSS, LT-9, caricatore prem. per 3 turni con ricarica inversa) è stata rilasciata ieri pomeriggio per essere testata sul supertest WoT. Meccaniche di ricarica come l’IS-3 con MOH. Questo sarà già il quarto carro armato di questo tipo nel gioco con meccaniche simili. TTX e aspetto davanti a te.
Lo stato premium del carro potrebbe essere temporaneo e cambierà con il rilascio.
Il mezzo ha una meccanica: una cartuccia con ricarica inversa.
– Se hai dimenticato di cosa si tratta, te lo ricorderemo. La shell che si ricarica per prima avrà la ricarica più veloce e quelle successive impiegheranno più tempo a ricaricarsi. Per il DPM massimo, viene prima sparato l’intero primo caricatore caricato, quindi deve essere sparato solo il primo proiettile caricato.
Caratteristiche e aspetto come sempre davanti a te. Perché e come è sconosciuto.
Characteristics of main weapon
• Average damage: 300
• Average armor penetration with Sabot: 221
• Average armor penetration with HEAT shells: 270
• Average armor penetration with HE shells: 50
• Full magazine reload: 36.43
• Reload time between rounds: 2.5
• First round reload time: 8.6
• Second round reload time: 12.5
• Third round reload time: 15.3
• Rounds in magazine: 3
• Horiz. sight translation: 54.24
• Elevation angles: -6/20
• Aiming time: 2.4
• Dispersion at 100 m: 0.36
• Average damage per minute: 2,086
• Muzzle velocity of the Sub-caliber round: 1,200
• Muzzle velocity of the HEAT round: 950
• Initial flight speed of the High-Explosive projectile: 900
* All performance characteristics are indicated with the commander’s bonus.
** Description not available.
Crew 4 people: Commander (radio operator); gunner; Driver mechanic; Charging.
Role in battle: temporarily absent. Special category Equipment: Surveillance.
source – wotexpress