Tier: MT-8, Germany, premium
Durability: 1 450
Engine power: 650 hp
Weight: 50.00 t
Maximum load: 53.00 t
Power per tonne: 13.0 HP / t
Maximum speed / Reverse speed: 40 / – 18 km / h
Rotation speed: 35 ° / s
Turret rotation speed: 31.3 ° / s.
Ground resistance: 0.767 / 0.863 / 1.726.
view range: 380 m
Signal range: 776.9 m
Hull armor: 152,4 / 76,2 / 25
Tower armor: 254 / 76,2 / 50
The large blade on the front provides additional vehicle protection (10 mm).
Gun: 9 cm Kanone M41
Damage: 240/240/320
Penetration: 205/255/45
Rate of fire: 7.192
Average damage min: 1 726.1
reload time: 8.342 sec
Dispersion of 100 m: 0.422
Aiming time: 1.92 s
depression / elevation: -9 ° / +19 °
The four-man crew: Commander, Driver-mechanic, Sight-loader and Loader.
Scattering of the Sight:
- after firing works: 3,356;
- during turret rotation: 0.096;
- while the vehicle is in motion: 0.134;
- during vehicle rotation: 0.134;
- during turret rotation with the maximum speed: 2.88;
- at the maximum vehicle speed: 5.37;
- at the maximum vehicle rotation speed: 4.7.
Camouflage value:
- camouflage of a fixed tank: 13.9%;
- tank camouflage in motion: 10.5%;
- camouflage of an immobile tank shooting: 3.31%;
- camouflage of a shooting tank in motion: 2.5%.
Source – rykoszet.info